此地CyPARK作为成都城市文脉的一次创新性延续,以国内首个骑行主题商业空间为特色,镶嵌于都市繁华之中。项目坐落于成都高新区大源板块,其前身是成都高新文化中心的原活力环(文化馆),项目总体量约 4.4 万平方米,涵盖了时尚零售、社交餐饮、运动户外、文化艺术、生活方式等多元业态。
CyPARK represents an innovative extension of Chengdu’s urban context. It features China’s first cycling-themed commercial destination, seamlessly integrated into the vibrancy of the city. Located in the Dayuan Area of Chengdu’s High-tech Zone, the project occupies the site of the former Vitality Ring (Cultural Museum) of the Chengdu High-tech Cultural Center. Spanning approximately 44,000 square meters, it encompasses a diverse mix of commercial offerings, including fashion retail, catering, sports and outdoor experiences, culture and arts, and lifestyles.
The project adopts a semi-open block concept, featuring staggered building volumes. Four cultural buildings, connected by corridors and other public spaces, enclose over 10,000 square meters of ground area and a 4-story vertical space. These interconnected spaces form a cohesive, organic whole. By incorporating the cycling theme, Various Associates turned the original site’s limitations into features, focusing the renovation budget on fundamental forms to create a distinctive, growing commercial space.
Project evolution diagrams
项目俯瞰图 Aerial view
Cycling Loop
A Free Loop Connecting to the Urban Cycling Path
骑行不仅是一种运动方式,更是在疫情之后,群众对于自由自在的生活态度和新文化的象征。万社致力于打造骑行友好型空间,将骑行文化深度融入到商业体验之中。此地CyPARK与长达 8.6 公里、横贯大源区域的空中骑行道「铁像文旅环」实现无缝衔接,骑行者可轻松从城市绿道进入商业空间。
Cycling is more than just a sport; it symbolizes a post-pandemic shift toward a freer lifestyle and new cultural values. In this project, Various Associates sought to craft a cycling-friendly space that deeply integrates cycling culture into the commercial experience. Through thoughtful organization, CyPARK is seamlessly connected to an 8.6km-long aerial cycling path, known as the “Tiexiang Cultural Tourism Ring,” which runs through the Dayuan area. Cyclists can easily access the CyPARK from the city’s greenway.
The circulation system is carefully organized, with distinct routes for walking and cycling that complement each other to ensure the comfort of all visitors. Bicycle elevators, parking spots, ramps, and other cycling-friendly amenities are set on each floor, ensuring cyclists can navigate freely through the space without obstruction.
Dynamic Lines, Transparent Spaces
Smooth Flow for Swift Mobility
The original commercial spaces were mainly located in winding corridors, which could have created a sense of monotony and fatigue. To address this, the design focused on creating efficient movement through open spaces. Cycling is incorporated as a key mode of mobility, defining the project’s identity and spiritual core.The ground floor design emphasizes openness and diversity, fostering a free, park-like atmosphere.
Streamlined contours add dynamic beauty and vitality, while the blurred boundary between the buildings and the surrounding environment allows the commercial space to merge naturally with the urban fabric, becoming an integral part of urban life. Interactive installations and cycling experience zones deepen visitors’ connection to cycling culture, fostering a stronger sense of identity and belonging.
Reserved open spaces support a variety of community activities
Transform the Ground into a Canyon
Let the Sunlight In
Organic curves establish a unique site identity
To unlock the potential and possibilities of the space, the design team leveraged multi-level platforms, terraces, and corridors at varying elevations, creating a dynamic, multi-dimensional circulation system.
The original underground F&B area has been transformed into an open-air space, with the resulting “canyon-like” design becoming one of CyPARK’s defining features.
多重的空间连接和留有余地的设计控制,让更多的活动能在此萌发成为可能。“峡谷内”的下沉商业街尺度开阔,设置树下环型桌椅、阶梯休息区等具有 “社区感” 的元素,为人们提供了丰富的社交场所。这些空间促进了人与人之间的交流与互动,增强了消费者的社区归属感。CyPARK持续举办各类社群活动,主题市集到访每场达2万人次。
These multiple spatial connections, along with design flexibility, enable a variety of activities to take place. The sunken commercial street, nestled within the “canyon,” features a spacious layout with community-centered features such as circular tables under trees and stepped seating areas. These designs foster social interaction, enhancing a sense of community and belonging. CyPARK has hosted numerous community events, including themed markets that attract 20,000 visitors per event.
Staggered spatial connections foster diverse social venues
Removal, Exposure
A Direct Approach to Facilitate Flow
将原始的“带有班味的”绿色玻璃幕墙直接拆除,开放出内部空间,再植入独立的商铺盒子- 让“氧气场所”的特质贯穿全场。区别于将消费者圈在传统的盒子商业空间内,CyPARK的本质就是打开建筑边界,让人流自然穿梭其中。
To maximize openness, the original office-like green glass curtain walls were removed, opening up the internal space and introducing independent retail “boxes”, which created an airy ambience throughout. Unlike traditional enclosed commercial spaces, CyPARK opens up building boundaries, allowing visitors to move naturally through the space.
The vertical traffic system, including stairs and elevators, is integrated seamlessly to facilitate efficient movement. The stairs feature metal railings and steps, complementing the overall architectural style.
Despite limited construction time and budget, the project innovatively maximizes both the functional and commercial value of the space, prioritizing the needs of the cycling community while also accommodating diverse groups and cultures.
Adapting to Site Conditions
Breaking Through the Enclosed Site
“此地设计方案的主旨之一,就是留有让它野蛮生长的余地。”万社设计团队表示,“这是个养成系商业,我们希望轻松的氛围及模糊边界的景观方式, 会让更多年轻的品牌跟群体能更好的融入其中。”
“One of our design objectives was to leave room for the space to grow freely,” said Various Associates. “CyPARK is a growth-oriented commercial destination. We hope the relaxed atmosphere and boundary-blurring landscaping will help young brands and communities to integrate into the place effortlessly. ”
Various Associates has deeply blended cycling culture into the commercial space. Each area is distinct yet interconnected, creating a multi-layered, multidimensional experience. The project has introduced numerous sports-themed stores and young brands, offering one-stop services for cycling enthusiasts, ranging from gear sales to social interactions.
此地 CyPARK 以骑行文化为纽带,重构人、空间与城市的关系,是万社设计在建筑、景观及室内多重领域的又一创新实践。项目重新定义了商业空间的公共属性——从消费场所升级为城市活力发生器,引领着商业回归人与人之间温暖的互动,将为未来的商业场景提供可持续范本。
CyPARK redefines the relationship between people, space, and the city through the lens of cycling culture. This project represents Various Associate’s innovative practice across architecture, landscape, and interior design. It redefines the public nature of a commercial space, transforming it from a mere consumer venue into an urban vitality generator which fosters warm human interactions. It sets a sustainable benchmark for future commercial spaces.
Project name: CyPARK
Completion time: Apr. 2024
Client: Chengdu Gaoxin Lingkai Commercial Operation Management Co., Ltd.
Category: architectural transformation, interior design, landscape design (concept)
Area: about 18,000 sqm
Location: No.688 Tianfu 4th Street, High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Design firm: Various Associates
Lead designers: Lin Qianyi, Yang Dongzi
Design team: Deng Yuwen, Li Zebing, Yang Jinxue, Zhang Junrui, Chen Liang, Wu Ronghong, Chen Hong, Xie Qian, Wang Yibo
Brand VI design: BRANDZHI
Landscape design development: INSTINCT FABRICATION
Structural design: Sichuan Zhongdeji Engineering Design Co., Ltd.
Photography: Arch-Exist