

Space is an important carrier for presenting brand value,From material selection to texture morphology; Highly consistent in shaping brand value.

Gege Studio位于深圳南油之地,该区域主要面对的是全国各地的二级三级批发商以及零售终端。是中国高端时装设计,生产、批发之地域性,代表性的标杆基地。

Gege Studio is located in the southern oil region of Shenzhen, mainly facing second and third tier wholesalers and retail terminals from all over the country. It is a regional and representative benchmark base for high-end fashion design, production, and wholesale in China.

空间,自身即为媒介,商业空间设计中,要有新颖的设计也要侧重于产品的展示,唯有如此,购物空间方能在商业领域中脱颖而出,让美学能赋予空间商业价值。 LubanEra·Design受Gege Studios品牌主理人之委托,为品牌店铺塑造全新之体验空间,为顾客带来别具一格的购物体验。

Space itself is the medium. In commercial space design, innovative design should also focus on product display. Only in this way can shopping spaces stand out in the commercial field, allowing aesthetics to endow the space with commercial value. LubanEra · Design was commissioned by the brand manager of Gege Studios to create a brand new experience space for the brand store., Provide customers with a unique shopping experience.

商城之内大小店铺俨然一片衣裳海洋。批发销售为主流,因惯于传统,档口之设计纷纷懒散,随意,难以让顾客深植品牌心灵, LubanEra·Design创意总监志在颠覆过往批发之旧思维,以品牌模式引领批发之道。将Gege Studios塑造成为品牌概念空间,唤起消费者对Gege Studios的品牌联想使其清晰辨识于消费者心中。

The shops of all sizes within the mall are like a sea of clothes. Wholesale sales are the mainstream, but due to being accustomed to tradition, the design of stalls is lazy and casual, making it difficult for customers to deeply cultivate the brand spirit. The creative director of LubanEra · Design aims to overturn the old thinking of wholesale in the past and lead the way of wholesale with a brand model. Shaping Gege Studios into a brand concept space, arousing consumers’ brand associations with Gege Studios and making it clearly recognizable in consumers’ minds.

鲁班精神 · 匠心营造 · 专注极致

Lu Ban Spirit·It’s a work of art· Focused to the Max


”相融与共鸣 “

Integrate & Resonate

LubanEra·Design创始人Bobo从不去追求所谓的设计风格,一直探寻的是美学给空间创造的’商业价值‘ 非色彩主导,石头的质感自然美。色彩的缺席反而能凸显出空间的纯粹和实质,从而营造出一种静谧,舒适贴近自然的购物体验空间,让顾客感受自然与创意的完美融合。

LubanEra · Design founder Bobo never pursues so-called design styles, but always explores the ‘commercial value’ created by aesthetics for space, rather than color driven, with the natural beauty of stone texture. The absence of color can instead highlight the purity and essence of the space, creating a quiet, comfortable and natural shopping experience space, allowing customers to feel the perfect fusion of nature and creativity.

”反差与平衡 “

Contrast & Balance


LubanEra · Design founder Bobo believes that details constitute a “worldview” and “depth,” and the “correctness” of space is determined by considering these details in the design.


The combination of different materials has excavated unique creativity and possibilities from different perspectives and perspectives. Rivers and stones do not rotate, and stones witness thousands of years of human civilization. The creation of time, the unique texture of natural stone, the charm of color, and visual perception seem to narrate the glory and glory of the past, just like a silent artwork, experiencing wonderful chemical reactions with space, and everything is interconnected. The cool and bright luster of stainless steel comes with a unique futuristic feeling, lightweight and ethereal. When the cave stones with a natural atmosphere encounter cold metal, the space adds a layer of spiritual rendering and guidance. Helping consumers better identify the characteristics and quality of products, thereby strengthening brand values and enhancing product display effectiveness


It’s Very Natural


Resin and glass are cleverly integrated, and the hard and transparent glass and resin’s warmth complement each other. The light penetrates softly and mysteriously, creating a comfortable and harmonious atmosphere for the entire space, making customers feel comfortable and relaxed, and making people linger in the warm space that they are reluctant to leave.


The original intention of the design of authenticity and freedom is to point out the interdependence and transformation between emptiness and reality, and to achieve the state of harvest by pursuing inaction. People can touch the essence and value of things, and to see through simplicity is to observe and recognize things in a concise way, removing cumbersome and complicated appearances, and making the truth apparent




Project Information——
项目名称 | Gege Studios
项目地址 | 中国·广东·深圳
项目类型 | 商业空间
项目面积 | 60㎡
完工时间 | 2023.3
设计公司 | LubanEra·Design鲁班时代建筑装饰设计
创意总监 | 陈洪波
设计团队 | 何志日,陈鸿
空间摄影 | 聂晓聪