
Located in an old red-brick concrete house in Liuyun District, Guangzhou,TAIANYOKO is a vinyl record store with a theme of Japanese City-pop. Owner Mao said, ” TAIANYOKO is an open space attracting friends with the same interests to play and gradually it forms a community. People gather together to enrich the community and make it glow with vitality belonging to everyone.”


It’s not just a record stores


TAIANYOKO is a multi-functional complex commercial store with coffee and wine, record merchandise management and studio and personal studio functions.


Compared with the decoration of the general vinyl record store, TAIANYOKO adopted the Vaporwave as the main color, pink and purple gradient glass can divide the space, but also create a dreamy and colorful atmosphere.


During the design process, the original red brick mechanism was retained and emphasized, and the flood light source was used to emphasize the texture of the red brick material itself.




Through point lighting, soft lighting and anti-glare lighting processing, it can meet the basic lighting intensity and improve the visual comfort. Every visitor in TAIANYOKO will have an immersive experience of a romantic city.


For the outdoor listening area is directly opposite the community park, the designer raises the level about 3 steps between the indoor and outdoor to create a certain distance from the roadside . A 3.3 meters-length piece of glass becomes a giant screen with a great angle.

而屏幕播放的影像,就是在公园和社区里生活百态的路人——工作间隙休息的白领,放学玩耍的学生,休闲的老人……与这部生活影像搭配的bgm ,正是耳机里缓缓流出的黑胶唱片。

And the images shown on the screen are the passers-by living in the park and the community including :white-collar workers taking a rest between work break, students playing after school, the elderly enjoying leisure and so on. The background music paired with this life image is a vinyl record flowing slowly from the headphones.

▲黑胶唱片展示 Vinyl record display

卡带展示 Card to show

▲饰品衣服展示 Jewelry and clothes display

▲黑胶唱片收纳 Vinyl record storage



The left side layout is centered on the central bar, and the seating area is arranged around the central bar. Considering the experience of users, light box of floodlight source is adopted in the design of central bar.

▲座位 seat

画室(洗笔,教学) Studio (pen washing, teaching)

▲户外区域 Outdoor area


Double lighting on and off the display stand allows each sheet of vinyl to find its own highlight moment.


▲功能分区 Functional partition


▲人流动线 People flow line

▲空间状态(半开放与全开放) Space state (semi-open and fully open)




设计单位:STUDIO SHEEN 明阳设计事务所


设计团队:王明阳 霍振声 谢永业




