


“Pan” Commercial Area

Along with the pace of urban renewal in Chengdu, the emergence of more and more commercial space spontaneously formed Pan-TaikooLi or Pan-Chunxi Road commercial Area, radiate towards to Chengdu city center freely.

Either are they interesting or fashionable, or boldly designed, or full of feelings. But they are constantly supplied with fresh blood for the new Chengdu.

「THE REPUBLIQUE 廾界」,坐落于成都东大街的米瑞广场底商。散售、散租所带来整体商业形象涣散、周边环境复杂,是城中成熟商业体面临的普遍困境,消费环境的品质提升需求呼之欲出。

店铺绝佳的位置和近五年来买手店铺连续的运营,使得「THE REPUBLIQUE 廾界」在凌乱的周边环境中,具备可以脱颖而出的先决条件。而我们这次想做的城市更新,是在时间和记忆之上,「时髦」的更新。

「THE REPUBLIQUE 廾界」 located in the ground floor store of Mirror Plaza in Dongda Street. Blurry commercial image and complex environment of surroundings caused by scattered sale or rent are the common predicament that mature commercial business are facing. Quality improvement of consumption environment needs be addressed.

The perfect location and continuously operation of buyer store about 5 years let 「THE REPUBLIQUE 廾界」acquire the precondition of standing out in the messy environment. And the Urban Renewal we want to do is a fashionable RENEWAL based on time and memory.



我们希望用一个存在极大共识的空间世界,来包容时髦与个性,这就是「THE REPUBLIQUE 廾界」。

What is 「THE REPUBLIQUE 廾界」?

The appearance of fashion, actually is the embodiment of the self. We hope to build a world of space which has a great consensus to inclusive fashionable and individual character.

This is 「THE REPUBLIQUE 廾界」.



Light, is gift for space design from nature. BREAK walls, let lights come in. Light and shadow divide the wall into indoor and outdoor space with very different impressions.

The bricks’ sense of the age partly eliminated the unexpected impression of store facade in the surrounding environment. The mass and new building technique of grey and glass bricks ensure the independent and outstanding brand visual image.



The rational of space, the intelligence of products, and the perceptual of people inside are the multi-aspects of the world and each individual.

Brick shaped elements always get throughout interior space, geometric elements are deconstructed in design, combined with longitudinal walls bring a completed and transparent impression for the space to breathe freely.



We remove the physical space sense of “boundary”, but also erase the invisible “boundary” among people.

As the transition from cold grey to warm brick-red, pass through with the nude. Boundary, and also non-boundary.

时代在变,人们对于美好事物的追求不会变。「THE REPUBLIQUE 廾界」是我们在城市更新路上的阶段性答卷。


Times are changing, the pursuits of good things of us will not change. 「THE REPUBLIQUE 廾界」is the periodical answer sheet of our City Renewal road.

On this road, dare not to say the next MUST be better, but we are working on it.





项目设计 & 完成年份: 2018年12月 & 2019年04月
主创及设计团队 :ARCHETYPE元太设计
项目地址 :成都市锦江区青石桥北街45号米瑞广场A1-111 A2-35 A2-36号商铺
建筑面积 :313㎡
摄影版权 :形在建筑空间摄影
品牌: THONET / Sika Floor / Oway Lighting Solution

Project Information——

Space & VI Design: ARCHETYPE Design Organization

Location: Chengdu, China

Project Complete: Apr. 2019

Design in charge: Louis 廖晋南

Space Design: Fei 薛菲 | Simon 张浩霖

Tokay 余岛 | Zoey 郑颖

Area: 313 sqm

Photographer: 形在建筑空间摄影 Here Space Photography