Return to the Street and Grow Wild
MAD,是基于街头日常生活演变而来的全新咖酒食品牌, 以街头为切入点,探讨如何通过「碰撞」的方式生长发酵,为都市年轻人提供了更多有趣的生活方式样本。
MAD is a new wine, coffee, and catering brand, inspired by the streets and derived from our daily life. From a street angle, it explores growth in a colliding way and provides more funny lifestyle samples for youngsters in the city.
2023年7月SORA® 开始进行该项目的品牌策划、品牌设计与空间设计的服务,今年1月MAD进入营业阶段。
Since July 2023, SORA® set out its branding plan, branding design and spatial design project. And in January this year, MAD opened.
MAD的品牌名是取自Mellow And Dope的单词首字母所组成,LOGO中的两个小矩形,灵感来源于英文标点符号中的撇号「 ’ 」,撇号在文章中,表示省略的字母、数字或单词,也常常表达了事物之间的归属关系。
The name MAD is short for “Mellow And Dope”. Its logo consists of two small rectangles, which are inspired by the English punctuation mark “’”(the single quotation mark). Single quotation mark stands for the omission of letters, numbers or words in English passages, and usually expresses the attribution relationship between things.
MAD既是Mellow And Dope的缩写,本身的词意也有疯狂的、混乱的、着迷的寓意,Mellow的意思代表着柔和与温暖,是品牌所希望日间所呈现的氛围;Dope则是美国当地方言,形容很酷的感觉,而品牌独有的疯狂基因——MAD,也正是由「Mellow」与「Dope」的融合与碰撞, 形成白天与黑夜的反差体验,因此两个撇号的设计更是意味着字母的缩写以及它们之间互相探索的关系。
“Mellow And Dope” has a meaning of craziness, chaos and fascination. Mellow means tender and warm, presenting its atmosphere in the daytime; and Dope is an American slang, meaning cool and crazy. The unique gene of MAD rests in the collision and combination of “Mellow” and “Dope”, shaping contrasting experiences between days and nights. Thus, the single quotation mark design stands for the omission of letters as well as the exploratory relationships between each other.
We designed the logo in an extended way, leaving a blank space between letters. This space could interact with different words or things, and could be used flexibly with other elements under different scenes. To accommodate the casual street style in the time and indulgence of the night, we selected kraft paper materials as the fundamental elements. Its color and texture gave out a sense of natural, random and primitive status, which exactly matched our desired street senses.
Introducing Streets into Space
▲临街外观 Street Side Appearance
Expression for the core concept of “street blocks” was in the most prominent position during the branding design of MAD. “Street blocks” stands for openness, tolerance and having fun. Wherein, regions and street culture are only a symbol or element. The most significant expression is still “street blocks”.▲日间吧台关闭状态 Day Bar Closed
▲与街道连通开敞的座位区 Seating Area Opens Up To The Street
▲后侧的休闲区 Back Side Lounge Area
▲空间夜景 Space Night View
In spatial design, we didn’t set too many motion lines or guidance. According to the usage at different times, we set two different bar counters and three distinguishing guest areas, without clear borders. In this way, the space could be used in different scenes and times. For the border of the inside and outside areas, we designed a gross area for activities, which formed another reaction between the two areas. MAD’s experience and usage of the whole space could be timely changed because there were no constant states or borders in “street blocks”.
For spatial decoration, many daily materials and items were used, like cloth fabrics, denim, washed cloth, bricks, graffiti, basal plates and so forth. They are what we often contact in our daily lives. First of all, these items created a sense of closeness, also, expressed the casualness of the streets. As far as we are concerned, this is very important. The rapid development of modern society urged many commercial spaces to appear in very delicate ways, but people can’t relax in these spaces. We consider commercial spaces should provide more possibilities in daily life based on satisfying the consumptive demands, and should create consumptive channels that fit the majority.
Together, Feel the Street.
MAD 坐落在深圳福田区下梅林一座旧建筑改造的公园式社交场所 a park,a park用开放立体的公共空间、大量的公共座椅和可以席地而坐的平台与踏步来构建一种模糊边界回归生活的场所,而MAD选址在这里,品牌概念与a park是契合的,MAD以街头为切入点,将饮食生活与青年态度链接,回归到「街区」,将「自定义」的精神融入到品牌文化中,捕捉当下的灵感及不同风味元素的混合,打破原有界限,共同打造一个不可或缺的精神磁场。
MAD is located in the “a park”, a social space in park style rebuilding from old constructions, in Xiameilin, Futian District, Shenzhen. “A park” built a living space with blurring boundaries with large open spaces, enormous public benches, sitting platforms and paths. The reason for location selection of MAD was its conceptual accordance with “a park”. MAD was based on the streets and returned to the streets, connecting catering and life with youth attitudes. It instilled a “Customization” spirit into branding culture, and captured existing inspiration and combined it with different flavors. MAD aimed at breaking boundaries and mutually creating an inseparable mental magnetic field.
No matter in the design or post-operation, we hoped to retain more freedom and flexibility for the brand when designing for MAD. The founders, Rico and Amanda, cooperated better and freer with us in aspects of branding operation and store maintenance than we expected.
Perhaps, the sense of “street blocks” of MAD now came from the spatial design and decoration. However, we believe, as the connector between people and the street, MAD will offer a cozy and free space for every visitor in operation afterward, exactly like its establishment concept – to create a brand with warmth and close to the consumers, and truly “returning to the streets and growing wild”.