Ying Yue is a creative Cantonese cuisine located in the Qinhuai district of Nanjing. As a Cantonese, the owner, P, had visited more than 50 cities and rural areas in Guangdong before opening the store, and spent half a year on the road of searching for food inspiration. He is dedicated to restoring the taste of authentic Cantonese cuisine to fellow locals and food lovers in Nanjing.
Starting from the control of the overall space style, how to restore the living environment of the Cantonese leisure experience has become a key consider- ation in our design.
▲定制灯带与拱顶的交织 Interweaving of custom light strips and vaults
颖粤强调舒适性与地域性, 空间布局上没有采用过多的划分,原始空间中的砖墙结构与肌理被保留下来,浅白与灰绿交映的室内墙面铺贴出复古绿意,辅以独特的深色木线条,马赛克与水磨石的地面拼花,作为粤地老茶楼中典型设计选材灵感,亦沉淀出地方主题体验的记忆风味。
Yingyue emphasizes comfort and regionality, and does not use excessive division in the spatial layout. The brick wall structure and texture in the original space are preserved, and the interior walls of light white and gray-green are paved with retro greenery, supplemented by unique dark wooden lines. The mosaic and terrazzo floor parquet, as the inspiration for the typical design materials of the old Guangdong teahouse, also precipitates the memory flavor of the local theme experience.
▲景框式的空间视角 Framed spatial perspective
▲质感别具的用餐环境 dining environmenton
风格营造之外,精细布置的陈设亦成为重要的装饰元素,复古木门与深木格栅作为空间的界限,洁白大理石 纹的餐桌与藤编竹椅的搭配更是进一步强化着地道的空间体验感。
In addition to style creation, finely arranged furnishings have also become important decorative elements.Retro wooden doors and deep wooden grilles serve as the boundaries of the space. The combination of white marbled dining tables and rattan bamboo chairs further strengthens the au- thentic spatial experience.
▲场景营造细节 Scene creation details
▲场景营造细节 Scene creation details
诸多代表空间元素的运用,使得颖粤构建 出更多与店主相似的粤地年轻人记忆中的老广东,成为他传递思乡情缘的空间印记,不止味道,更为情怀。
The use of many representative spatial elements has enabled Yingyue to construct more old Cantonese in the memory of young people in Guangdong who are similar to the shopkeeper, and become a space imprint for him to convey homesickness, not only taste, but also feelings.
▲门头细节 Door details
▲空间细节Spatial details
品牌合作:三可灯具 菊叶草建材 美居建材