经历太久的疏离,我们需要放肆相聚!ICD明之顾问受邀设计的 Eata . Live诞生于疫情后,旨在重建人与人的物理接触,找回感官愉悦,提升人文温度,是一家可以随时随心华丽变身的复合餐饮空间。
“Let’s Come together after being pulled apart for so long!” By Eata . Live project, ICD (I Collective Design) celebrates post-pandemic reconnection and interaction strategically.
EATA Restaurant Bar Lounge by Poddin Group, a high-end steak restaurant, attracts well-heeled customers, located closed to West Lake scenic sites. To embrace more consumers, Poddin Group proposed to open “shop in shop” with friendly pricing and diverse services at Western Hangzhou Intime City, a one-stop lifestyle shopping mall.
EATA + LIVE Strategy
继产品主义、媒体主义之后,餐饮3.0时代回归了以客户为核心的客户主义。目标客群年轻一代更注重情感消费、时间消费和个性化消费。除了美食带来的满足感,他们还需要消费愉悦的时光和具有专属感的体验。故此,明之顾问的品牌策略是在EATA强势品类牛肉餐酒的基础上引入Live演出,将集团第一家购物中心店打造成酒肉、音乐主题交融的复合业态。由此诞生了Eata . Live,一个以“制造快乐”为基因的年轻品牌。
Hospitality industry is shifting from the era of product-orientation, market-orientation toward customer-orientation. Besides foods and drinks, people value emotional satisfaction, enjoyable time, and unique experience. ICD catered to meet these emerging demands by adding live house performance to this steak house. We branded the dynamic shop “Eata . Live” as the second line of EATA. With the slogan “We create chemistry”, Eata . Live encourages cheerful gathering, unexpected encounters and sensual gratification.
There lies two contrast ambiences in the 198 ㎡ space: cozy and warm at “Eata” dining time, fancy and fiery at “Live” music time. The key challenge was to accommodate dining, clubbing and live house functions all in one space, and create sensational experience with variable moods accordingly.
Time & Space
我们的应对方案是:“向时间要空间”——将餐酒和演出功能分时段呈现。室内天花飘满纱幔般的金属网装置内嵌有RGBWW变色系统。 在 Eata时段,整个空间是唤起食欲的暖橙色,营造舒缓愉悦的就餐气氛;进入Live时段,氛围光按时间和演出风格依次被设定为日落时微醺的桃红,深夜里魅惑的蓝紫、破晓时迷幻的青绿。音乐随光色绕梁,在声音与视觉的化学反应中,人们在不经意之间感受着时空的切换。
Our solution was to “create space from time”, that is to arrange dining and live music functions in different time periods. The RGBWW lighting system incorporated in the curved ceiling mesh fixture changes color in correspondence to the timeline. During dining time, warm orange lighting evokes the perception of delightful taste. As night goes on, the space is shifting to bar and live house as the lighting subtly variates color from peach at dusk to violet in the deep night and emerald at dawn. With the chemistry of 5 sensory gratification, People indulge in an opulence of joy and hardly feel the transition.
“大门” 和 “小门”——迎客与引客
“Big” & “Small” Entry
作为一个综合业态,Eata . Live餐酒时段是西餐厅,深夜变为音乐现场。两种状态下,空间和城市的连接方式也不同。我们在店铺的主次通道上分别开设大小两个入口:“Eata入口”和“Live入口”。位于主通道上的Eata入口面向商场主客流,结合开放档口及休闲外摆形成客流导入区;次通道上的Live 入口避开商业主街,夜晚时分,人们穿过幽长通道到达Live入口,穿越一系列互动装置和动态场景后进入演出空间,在神秘的氛围中获得丰富的感官体验。
As a comprehensive space, Eata . live is a steak house in the dining time, and live house at night. It connects the city respectively. Facing the main traffic, the big entrance, that is the “ Eata” entrance, is paired with a beverage stall (an orange box) and the outdoor sitting area. Together they create “stopping power” to the potential customers. On the secondary passage of the shopping mall, a small entrance ( “Live” entrance) is tailored for the night customers. People go through this dark red aisle playing with those interactive installations as UV maze, button and sound, light shower before entering the live house with full sensation of mystery and drama.
Openness vs Enclosure
“三分熟、五分熟、七分熟”,依据顾客的社交深入程度,空间从主入口向次入口依次为开放区、半开放区和私密区。 开放区半弧形餐桌均可自由拼合,满足不同人数和消费场景需求。靠墙的卡座区上方天花设置了自动升降金属网帘,下落状态可将每个卡座变为半开放区。私密区位于吧台和舞台之间,没有自然光的干扰,金属网帘可将此区域围合成完整的私人聚会空间。
The layout of the space reflects the customers’ relations and consumption occasions. From the main entry to the stage, the space goes from open to private in gradients, mimicking a steak’s doneness: rare, medium and well-done. In the open zone, the oval tables are cut straight at one side that allows flexible combination. Above the car seats along the walls, the metal mesh curtains with vertical lift system can be put down and make each car seat semi-transparent booth. The private zone is located in the corner between the stage and the bar counter. Without the interference of sunlight, the mesh curtains’ enclosure totally makes this area individual space for private gathering.
“The Mesh”
“网”这个设计元素提炼于烹饪牛肉的烧烤网架,起到装饰、连接和隔离作用。外立面的洗光拉丝铜网隐喻烧热的烤肉网架,让人从外观即可感受到Eata . Live的热度。室内中区天花悬挂着双层金属网,其间夹装渐变导光板,形成灵动的曲线,宛若飘带,将顾客的视线连结汇聚,在“Eata”和“Live”时段分别将视觉焦点引向吧台和舞台。在半开放和私密区域,金属网又作为升降隔断,切换空间的私密度。
Inspired by the crave-able flaming grilling, we adopted “mesh” as the primary element in this project. The metal mesh plays the role of decoration, integration, separation throughout the space. The copper mesh wrapping the glass fa?ade are washed warmly with flood lights, creating a blur between interior and exterior. Above the open area, the double-layer mesh ribbons with light guide plates in between are flowing in organic curves, which subtly tie up the two focal points: the bar counter during dining time and the stage during live performance time. Alongside the walls, the metal mesh curtains can either be ceiling decorations or partitions, creating a touch of privacy when necessary.
▲Cosy and Warm
▲Live Makes Eata Alive
明之顾问通过业态组合、定制化的场景、沉浸式体验,打造愉悦感官的“氛围组”,为品牌注入活力,回应消费需求的升级,让Eata . Live成为时间消费的“意义容器”。
By creating added values for both the customers and the client, ICD makes Eata . Live a destination with more reasons than food to go.
项目:Eata . Live
Project Information——
Project:Eata . Live
Location:Hangzhou, China
Branding/Interior/Installation Design:I Collective Design
Principal:ZHANG Zhen
Project Design:WANG Di
Onsite Design:Will Lab
Lighting Consultant:Re-sense Lighting Technology
Construction:Hangzhou WoYi Decoration Co., LTD
Furniture:JZHome Deco
Materials:Metal mesh, Texture paint, Light guide plates, Brushed Steel, Marble
Design Period:09/2020-11/2020
Construction Period:11/2020-01/2021
Photograph:DU Chen