Clouds are changing. They are having a greater variety.
▲灵感氛围 Inspiration
Asperatus(波涛云)最早是于2006年被拍摄记录,它们像一层水体覆盖在大地上,并在云面上卷起一道又一道粗糙而松散的不规则波浪。 这种云极为罕见,外观扭曲妖异,世界气象组织已经正式承认了Asperatus,将它收录进《国际云图》。
Asperatus was first recorded in 2006. They are like layers of water covering the ground and roll up rough and loose irregular waves on the surface. Twisted and weird, this kind of cloud is extremely rare. The World Meteorological Organization has officially recognized Asperatus and included it in the International Cloud Atlas.
▲入口 Entrance
Asperatus has become the only new cloud species identified since 1951. Its iconic features are described as “the cloud bottom is granular and extremely rough; the wavy structure is extremely twisted, forming huge and irregular folds”. That’s where the spatial narrative begins.
Turning the hard into the soft, the curved metal surface is as flexible as paper. They have special handmade texture which reacts with the light subtly.
Making the heavy as the light, the metal boards are suspended in the air layer by layer, leaving some breathing space. Although it is still, it seems to flow with the change of perspective.
餐厅核心区域手握寿司吧的上方,是空间叙事的核心部件 —“云层”,即是扭曲的铝材,经由人工的弯折,金属的坚韧转化为云的柔性。依赖其穿插游走,创造出全新的、不规则的自由形态。
The heart of the spatial narrative – “cloud” is suspended above the sushi bar. Through artificial bending, the tenacity of metal is transformed into the flexibility of cloud, creating a new and irregular free forms.
Wood and metal, warm and cold, straight and curved, are combined into harmony. The sushi bar is like a stage thus the cooking is like performance. A hint of green is like stage curtain, bringing in rhythm and movement.
Clouds, light, shadows and other different natural phenomena react to each other naturally. The imagination of nothingness rises with clouds, grows from thoughts, but is closer to the human heart. As a metaphor, cloud is more close to the original meaning than words.
项目名称: Asperatus-世上最罕见的云,寿司大,深圳
设计方: 深圳梅兰室内设计有限公司
项目设计 & 完成年份: 2019
主创及设计团队: 杨森博(主创设计),荆宇航(软装设计),梁紫苏、李晓华(施工图设计)
客户: 寿司大