牛肉烹饪最早起源于欧洲中世纪时期。自十八世纪开始,从英国流行至美国再到全世界。作为成都老牌西餐品牌「Burano布拉诺」旗下的高端系列,「趙ZHAO · 干式熟成牛排坊」以全新的形象亮相于大众视野。此次设计,通过表达对牛排馆的理解,来还原它应有的样子。

Beef cooking originated from the European in middle ages. Starting from the 18th century, it is popular from England to America and to the world.As a high-end series of Burano, an old western food brand in Chengdu, 「ZHAO | Steak House 」has been presented to the public with a new image.In this design, the designer expressed the understanding of the steak house to restore its proper appearance.


For commercial space design, although it cannot be separated from the restricted area and framework, it should be endowed with a stronger introspective dimension.From the perspective of creating an overall spatial experience, the visual metaphor becomes an interactive game that transcends space and time between designer and space users.


Boat often brings writers infinite imagination. Then we imagine the sea, the waves, the awe, even the shelter in the sea, which can bring us a rich and concrete picture.19th-century American cabin is an extension of the design concept. The way of space division is like skeleton structure of the cabin, which uses a lot of wood, metal, stone and leather to restore the space-time background and scene as much as possible.How about having steak and wine in the cabin?

设计中的隐喻,表达方式多种多样。不论是空间划分,材质拼贴,还是光线效果,最后都会被糅合成一个灵动的整体。虽然它披着固有装饰的外衣,却可以通过经营者和顾客对于空间的穿插使用,化身为有机体,获得持续不断发展变化的可能性。「趙ZHAO · 干式熟成牛排坊」被赋予的空间使命,不在于某个单一方面的喧宾夺主,而是在一个具有恰当尺度感的静谧空间内,带给身处其中的我们能够沉静下来的全方位体验。

Metaphors in design are expressed in a variety of ways.No matter it is dimensional division, material collage, or lighting effect, can be mixed eventually become a clever whole. Although it wears the coat of inherent decoration, it can be transformed into an organism through the interpenetration and use of space by operators and customers to obtain the possibility of continuous development and change.The space mission endowed by the designer of「ZHAO | Steak House 」does not lie in the noise of a single aspect, but bring us an all-round experience that we can calm down in a quiet space with a sense of appropriate scale.


The rationality of spatial function sequence is very important.The dust-free room setting for storing beef before entering the store, like a display window for a clothing store, brings the attributes of a steakhouse to light. After taking the door, one after another through the porch, reception desk, wine selection area, open bar, such setting is to hope that the customer enters the door to experience the service and understand the products and its production process, then taking their seats.


The seating area is divided into 5 open areas and 2 private rooms with the bar as the main axis, so that customers can have more seating options. In addition to visually seeing the service staff‘s efforts to produce and feel the lively atmosphere, each time to the store can also bring different experience according to the different seats.



When design came out of the circle of empty talk of style, designer finally gained the freedom of “fusion”.Based on the positioning of commercial form, the shape and spirit of the space are exporting the designer’s unique personality and preferences. Small and whole, open and restrained. Do not stick to a single form of expression, also do not obsess the superposition of too many elements.








照明设备:Oway Lighting Solution.

摄影师:Here Space Photography.




Project Information——

Location: Chengdu, China

Project Complete: Jan. 2020

Space Designer: iZ.

Design Area: 350 sqm

Lighting Equipment: Oway Lighting Solution.

Photographer: Here Space Photography.

Article: Bo.

Furniture: Avarte.

Major Material: Wood, Terrazzo, Brass, Leather.