UDL is a graphic design office/studio located within an industrial park. The requirements for this addition were a living room, a new conference room (on the second floor), more bathrooms, and an expanded working area. The new living room needed to be connected to the original dining room, and the newly added working area was required to become an extension of the existing one.
In addition to the original requirements, we added a connection on the second floor, so that the new conference room on the second floor and the original staircase leading to the working area are connected through a small bridge. This changes the location of the conference room on the circulation line from a “terminal space” to a “traversable space.” The conference room therefore has two doors: one that leads to the guests’ entrance, and the other that leads to the host’s area.
In this way, visitors may be received in a vivid atmosphere: guests reach the conference room from the living room on the first floor through a small staircase, while the host reaches the conference room from the stairs in the working area, through a small bridge and another door of the conference room. It must be a very interesting scene when guests and hosts unexpectedly intersect in the conference room.
After determining a new movement flow line, we re-examined the rhythmical sequence created by the new space: living room – staircase – conference room. The two static areas were connected by a “leap”. We discovered that we could confer a new identity to the space by using the logic of interior-exterior-interior. The new identity will give prominence the dynamic and static divisions of these three spaces, so that the emotional ebb and flows of the experiencing visitor can be accentuated in this short path.
In order to underline the differences between “interior” and “exterior”, we re-arranged the standard wall structure made of wooden structure partitions. Generally, wall structures include a wooden skeleton, filled with sound-absorbing materials, and sealed on both sides. We rearranged the order of the wooden components, sound-absorbing material and sealing boards, changed it to one side that exposes the customarily hidden wooden structures, and pasted sound-absorbing materials directly on the wall boards. In this way, the well-ordered wooden lattices and self-contained pipelines originally hidden inside the wall are all but revealed. The wall becomes a structure akin to a drawing board, and the texture of the materials morphs into a decorative mesh. The unsealed side also becomes a back wall.
The wall maintains a distinction between front and back, and the space has a logical “inside” and “outside”. The two inner spaces are cooler in tone, with a soft, pristine surfaces, gentle lightning, and a quiet sound field composed of sound-absorbing materials; the outer space emanates a warm wooden hue, with a complex and structured interface, more dramatic light effects, an open sound field with moderate reverberation.
项目名称: UDL工作室扩建
设计: 空间站建筑师事务所
项目地址: 北京市,朝阳区
建筑面积 :170平方米
合作方: 施工单位:北京海汀顿建筑设计工程有限公司
客户: UDL