KASE是专注于皮肤护理和情感香水相结合的香水品牌。由于品牌植根于中国,客户把店铺的选址定位在历史悠久的惠山古镇,而这座建筑物过去虽然只是平凡的小镇住宅, 但它本身的历史却巳经可以追溯到100多年前。

KASE is a fragrance brand, which has specialised in the combination of skincare and emotional fragrance. Since the brand was rooted in China, our client located the shop into the historical Huishan Old Town. Although it was merely an ordinary self-built residential town house in the past, the architectural object history can be traced back to over 100 years ago.

STUDIO 4/301受到古镇的历史背景启发,团队研究了中国传统的木工工艺,并从中提取了中国传统月牙梁的形状和力学性能,创造出一套独特的展示柜台系统。这种系统化的设计让展示单元可以改变其尺寸,轻松地应对未来新店的不同展示陈列需求。

Informed by the historical context of the old town, STUDIO 4/301 studied traditional Chinese wood joinery and developed a series of display fixtures with a unique joint structure. The special junction has a shape and mechanical properties similar to the Chinese crescent-beam. This systematic design allows the display units to change their dimensions, responding to the different display requirements in the future new shops.

为了保护原建筑不受任何损坏,STUDIO 4/301在客人可能触碰到的高度,安装了距墙100mm的橡木板。在墙壁上部没有护墙板包裹的地方, 设计团队则使用了保护漆, 并保留了老墙原有的肌理。在上方, 顶部是一个完整的中国传统屋顶,它与新制作的展柜有着相近而又不尽相同的设计语言。

To protect the existing building from any damage, STUDIO 4/301 installs oak wood panels 100mm offset from the walls on the height where customers might touch. On the upper part of the wall where has no protective panel, the design team employed the protective paint and maintained the old wall with its’ original texture. Above, the roof is a complete and traditional Chinese roofing, and it shares the simliar but not the same design language as the newly made display fixtures.

虽然产品种类多样,但单个的尺寸都很小。因此店铺没有设置专门的储藏区域,而是把店铺所有所需的储藏空间,都嵌入了定制的展柜展示层下方。STUDIO 4/301将定向欧松板涂成暖白色,油漆的厚度和色调经过多番测试,直到效果符合店铺整体气氛。

Although the products are varied, their individual sizes are small. The shop does not have a specific area for storage. Below the display level, storage space is embedded with the custom-made fixtures. STUDIO 4/301 had the orriented strand board painted in warm and white colour. The thickness and tones of the paint have been tested for many times until the result suit the environment.

由于蝴蝶结是KASE的标志性符号,客户希望在整个建筑中能传递品牌的形象。STUDIO 4/301 在展示单元之间,应用了传统中国蝴蝶结节点连接相邻的两个桌面。

Because the bow knot is the iconic symbol of KASE, the client hopes to convey the brand’s identity throughout the building. Between the display units, a traditional Chinese bow-knot joint is employed to connect the adjacent two tabletops.

此外,STUDIO 4/301在东立面上悬挂了一个由金属网制成的轻盈的蝴蝶结装置。在白天,阳光穿过金属网后,温柔地散射在室内。金属网背后的压克力灯管使蝴蝶结发亮, 蝴蝶结在晚上或较暗的环境下栩栩如生地飘舞起来。商店彷彿变成了一件包装好的礼物,等待被打开。

Furthermore, STUDIO 4/301 suspends a lightweight bow-knot installation made of metal mesh on the east facade. In the daytime, after the sunlight travelling through the metal mesh, gently shines on the interior. The arcylic light tubes behind the metal mesh brightens the knot as floating in the dark night. The shop becomes a wrapped gift waiting to be untied.


项目名称: KASE 惠山古镇香氛店

项目类型: (室内/改造)

项目地点: 无鍚, 中国

建成状态: 建成

设计时间: 2024年5月 – 8月

建设时间: 2024年8月 – 10月

用地面积: N/A

建筑面积: 60 平方米


设计单位:STUDIO 4/301

网站: https://www.studio4301.com/

邮箱: idstudio4301@gmail.com

设计团队: 刘睿, 陆娇桦

摄影: 相外空间视觉