在京城的国贸黄金区域,由LCD SDUDIO室内设计事务所设计的CALI VINTAGE,位于北京财富中心的一个转角处,这是一个150平米的奢侈品循环商店,以酷炫的色彩和精致的细节为主打,创造出奢华、精致与有趣的新型二手奢侈品体验空间。
In the best area of Beijing’s CBD, the CALI VINTAGE store designed by LCD STUDIO is located at a corner of the Beijing Fortune Plaza. This 150 square-meter luxury second-hand store features cool colors and exquisite details, creating a luxurious, and new type of second-hand luxury shopping experience.
Cali Vintage的理念是打破传统的奢华感,注重自然、充满活力的时尚理念,并提供一个可持续发展的时尚平台,让每一个人去发掘自己的品味和重塑风格。
The philosophy of Cali Vintage is to break the traditional sense of luxury and focus on natural, vibrant fashion concepts. It provides a sustainable fashion platform for everyone to explore their own taste and reshape their style.
Through the artistic and boldly-packaged Orange Gift Box shop windows on the exterior facade, you can see various brands’ products displayed inside the store. When you enter the store, you will be pleasantly surprised to discover an “Art Gallery” surrounded by reflective materials. The design of each display space is extremely unique and artistic.
“Theme elements of artistic experience”
CALI VINTAGE创始人希望空间是有故事和延续性的,并深受波普风格的影响。LCD STUIDO将“Art & Trends”气质转换到空间设计,颠覆以往奢侈品商店的刻板形象模式。以[波普潮流]主题展开空间故事,波普艺术强调的是色彩、造型和图像的鲜明浓烈,透过空间设计的表现手法能够带来对未来的幻想和希望,同时也反映了新型商业空间融入当代文化体验的一种趋势
The founder of CALI VINTAGE wanted the space to have a story and continuity, and was deeply influenced by the Pop Art style. LCD STUDIO translates the “Art & Trends” temperament into the space design, subverting the stereotypical image of traditional luxury stores. The theme of “Pop Trend” is used to unfold the storytelling of the space. Pop Art emphasizes vivid and intense colors, shapes, and images, and through the expression of space design techniques, it can bring fantasies and hopes for the future. At the same time, this also reflects a trend of contemporary cultural experience that new commercial spaces are integrating.
The rich colors and exaggerated shapes of the decor are the interpreters of the story. We have used classic images of Pop Art, such as glamorous popular elements, modern shapes, bright colors, and iconic prints and patterns, to create a unique visual art experience for the store.
Luxurious dreams in the reflection rotation
The space design uses mirror materials and colored decorative panels to present a futuristic sense of trend. The light falls evenly on the material, creating a rich and eye-catching sense of light, reflecting a diamond-like shine.
The use of colored decorative panels also adds vitality and humanization. These rich colors present a different personality and fashion charm, breaking the stereotype of traditional luxury spaces and allowing each display area to have its own unique mood and expression.
Reusing in the furture
LCD STUIDIO采用了可再生材料,例如可降解塑料、生态板材等,并在设计中考虑了对环境的影响。
LCD STUDIO uses renewable materials, such as biodegradable plastics, ecological boards, etc., and considers the impact on the environment in the design.
Our space is combined with brand purification, environmental protection concepts, and focuses on sustainable development. This means that we must ensure that the products and decorative materials we choose can be recycled, reused, or properly disposed of. Fashion is not just a trend, but also a culture and attitude.
▲平面VI系统设计-平面标识 Graphic system design-Brand logo
▲包装袋设计 Packaging pouch design
▲售后卡片设计 Customer support card design
▲品牌衍生产品包装设计 Brand extension product packaging design
▲空间轴测图 Axis-measuring drawing
项目名称:Cali Vintage 北京财富中心精品店
Project Information——
Project Name:Cali Vintage Beijing Fortune Plaza
Design Type:Commercial Retail
Location:Beijing Fortune Plaza
Design Area:150 sqm
Design Company:LCD STUDIO
Project Owner:CALI
Design Team:Chen Lige, Wu Xinyi, Li Yongsheng, Peng Jianfei
Design Time:August 2022-October 2022
Construction Time:October 2022-January 2023
Design Contents:Interior, props, soft decoration, graphic identification system
Construction Team:Beijing Wanxiang Hongji Engineering Co., Ltd.
Space Photography:Fengbai
Contact Email:lcdstudio.sh@qq.com