作为韩国三大运营商之一的SK电信,当下虽是高枕无忧,但仍要不断进取,保持自身的领先优势。尽管数字化办公已进入社会各个领域,SK仍然非常看重与客户面对面的互动,并继续投资实体零售空间。最近在首尔钟路区开业的SK电信T Place,正是这样一家为客户提供个人服务的实体店,同时也展示了其先进的专业技术,特别是在5GX网络和虚拟社交领域。这是一项最新推出的基于5G网络的服务,可以让客户在虚拟空间里完成复杂的活动。

As the biggest of just three players in South Korea‘s telecommunications market, SK Telecom is in a comfortable position, but nevertheless goes the extra yard to stay in the lead. Despite an ongoing digitalisation sweeping all levels of society, the company values face-to-face customer interaction and continues to invest in physical retail spaces. The recently opened SK Telecom T Place in the Gwancheol area of the country’s capital Seoul, is indicative of its endeavour to provide personal service to its clientele while also flaunting a sophisticated know-how along the way. The latter element specifically focuses on SK Telecom‘s 5GX network and Virtual Social World, a newly launched 5G-based service which allows customers to perform elaborate activities in a virtual space.

该零售店位于南大门附近一座现代化建筑的一层,街面热闹非凡,两侧高楼耸立。这里以前是T World Café,现在来自首尔的设计团队TEAM55667788将它重新改造,使之成为一个充满时尚和未来主义美学的空间,与公司精巧美观的产品完美呼应。

The retail space is situated on the ground floor of a modern two-storey structure alongside Namdaemun-ro, a bustling thoroughfare lined with tall office buildings, and was previously occupied by T World Café, a hospitality outpost which was also managed by the telecom giant. The ground floor has been fully redesigned by TEAM55667788, an interior design practice based in Seoul, and now sees a sleek and futuristic aesthetic compatible with the company’s nifty offerings.

设计基于模块化的概念,以某种所谓的单元格或单位为基础,根据不同的功能用途向各个方向进行延展。店铺空间分为两个部分,T Place商务区,顾客进入店里首先来到的便是这个区域,这里除了展示最新款的智能手机外,还介绍了SK在5G时代的品牌愿景。

The design concept is modular and based on so-called cells or units which can be expanded in all directions and adapted for multiple purposes. The premises of SK Telecom T Place is divided into two sections—the so-called T Place Biz Zone, the first section customers come across upon entering the store, and which presents not only the latest smartphones, but also SK Telecom‘s brand vision in the era of 5G.


Advancing further, the store’s ICT Experience Zone unfolds, allowing customers to experience the technology behind platforms, such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence. Although not visually indicated, the aforementioned cells come in three different categories, and are either used to display advertising or product descriptions, housing battery stations or other utilities, or used as storage.

柜台部分也由单元模块组成,它们的形状和大小取决于零售空间的尺寸。总而言之,在SK电信T Place,你不仅能看到市场上最新的智能手机,还能体验公司最新的科技产品,同时这里还是志同道合的顾客们潜在的社交场所。

Counters are also made up of cells, and their shape and size are more or less determined by the dimensions of the retail space. As said, SK Telecom T Place carries the latest
smartphones on the market and is a showcase of the company’s latest tech offerings, but it’s also intended as a meeting place for likeminded customers.