Situated in a prominent position within Shanghai’s Bund Financial Center, ON/OFF is a multi-brand store focused on up-and-coming fashion designers. Studiolite’s design aims for a trendy,artistically-inspired experience through high-end, layered spaces. By interweaving lighting, atmosphere, artful color composition, and the whimsical collision of delicate materials, a dynamic spatial succession is formed, channeling the city’s youthful vitality.
The inner storefront of the store appears as a smooth, porous surface containing a variety of displays for different scales of enticing products. This generates a more playful relationship between interior and exterior than a conventional display window. Near the arched entranceway, a mirrored half-sphere rotates, offering tantalizing glimpses of the interior, whilst reflecting the surroundings. To the far right, a vortex of LED screens forms a tunnel-like pop-up zone to the far right, arousing the curiosity of passers-by.
The design of the interior began through considering how to meet the needs of multiple scenes and functions in one cohesive space. The plan is divided into smaller, distinct zones; each one transformable into different scenarios. A customized, modular furniture and hanger system, works with the lighting to help to achieve this conversion into different scenarios: retail, events, fashion shows, and so on. A customized, modular furniture and hanger system allows infinite possibilities for creative product display in each zone. Meanwhile, in the back of the store, a more intimate bar area offers breathtaking views of the Bund and Shanghai’s iconic skyline. As one moves through ON/OFF, each element contributes to imbuing a continuous sense of surprise and discovery.
A playful entwining of varying curves dance throughout, carefully-tailored solid and filigree arcs which combine, bridging floors, walls, and ceiling, generating a sense of flow. Light embedded in the metal structures, and textural differences in materials, contribute to the overall three-dimensional weave, forming a constantly shifting succession of visual layers. This changeable geometry engenders dynamic relationships and views at every turn. Most of ON/OFF uses a clear color palette, which contrasts sharply with dramatic bursts of color. Walls, furniture, and carpets combine into of vibrant mosaic defining each zone, toeing the line between pop and elegance. Terrazzo, marble and other crafted, more sensual materials are used in select locations. The store morphs into a gallery, referencing a diversity of movements, from constructivism, to abstract art.
建筑面积: 445㎡
项目地址: 上海市黄浦区中山东二路600号BFC外滩金融中心南区2层201-202号
设计团队: Jessie Cui、ALEXANDRE SADEGHI、凌晨、姜姗姗、汪天使、俞洋洋,牛晨雨