
Macau is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. It is not easy for people to find a corner where they can get away from the hustle.

咖啡師找到了 STUDIO 4/301, 他們希望打造一家 24 小時營業的咖啡店, 能夠為客人提供一個休閒放松的場所, 無論任何時候, 都可以找到一個可以 “喘息” 的地方。

Along with the client, STUDIO 4/301 hopes to open the first 24-hour coffee shop in Macau. It can provide the customers a location for relaxation. No matter when, they can find a place to breathe in this crowded city.

咖啡需要時間靜下心來仔細品味,而手沖咖啡從剛煮好到完全冷卻的過程中, 它的味道會隨著每一分鐘的溫度的流逝而有所變化。故此, 咖啡店借用了中國古代時辰計時的概念。在一年四季,一天十二時辰里,我們希望在咖啡店里的時間尺度可以被拉長, 客人可以慢下來,擁有享受優質咖啡的體驗。

It is crucial to take time to calm down and slowly taste the coffee. From freshly made at a high temperature until completely cold. During the process, the taste of the dripped coffee changes as the temperature decreases. Thus, the idea of Traditional Chinese Timekeeping – ‘shi’ ‘chen’ is borrowed. Twelve ‘shi’ ‘Chen’ a day, four seasons a year, the time scale within the coffee shop is extended. We hope the customers can take their time to enjoy the best coffee experience.

通過研究虹吸咖啡的制作過程,STUDIO 4/301 發現走進一家專業的咖啡店與走進中藥店有很多相似之處。這兩種程序都需要店主通過 “望、聞、問、切” 來了解顧客的 “癥狀”,並為顧客烹煮出適合他們的 “湯藥”。

By studying the siphon coffee-making process, STUDIO 4/301 finds many similarities between walking into a professional coffee shop and a Chinese pharmacy. Both procedures require the shop owner to understand the customers’ symptoms through observation, communication, and identification and finally prescribe their medicines.

靈感取自中藥店的藥箱,設計團隊創造了多個 “藥箱”,並將它們嵌入整個空間里。在這些“藥箱” 里裝著五花八門的 “藥材”,比如冰滴咖啡、咖啡豆、咖啡書籍和其它咖啡產品。設計呈現出陣列的方形符號,貫穿整個空間,使吧台、餐桌、長凳和椅子在視覺上有著某種特別的連繫,構建出一個典雅和恬靜的咖啡品嘗空間。

Inspired by the medicine chest in a Chinese pharmacy, the design team creates multiple ‘chests’ and embedded them throughout the space. In those ‘medicine chests’ are ‘medicines’ such as ice-dripped coffee, coffee beans, coffee books, and coffee products. The design reveals arrayed square symbols, running through the whole space and visually assembling the bar table, dining tables, benches, and chairs. It constructs a dignified and comfortable coffee-tasting space.

項目地位於一座八十年代的住宅建築地面層,其特徵是受到夾層分割出來的低矮天花高度。在與業主、咖啡主理人及施工團隊緊密溝通後, 共同決定拆除夾層, 最大限度地釋放空間高度,這種視覺上的垂直延伸和方型陣列的設計語言始終保持一致。同時 STUDIO 4/301 也保留了原始結構夾層通往露台的門,不僅增加了空間的進光面,同時也存續了新舊空間之間的聯系。

The site was in an 80s building with a low ceiling restricted by a mezzanine. After closely discussions with the owner, barista and construction team, STUDIO 4/301 decides to remove the middle floor. The result is a good release of height. This visual extension aligns with the vertical design language employed in the interior.

從平面上, 可以看到一長條酒吧台,一個開放的咖啡品鑒區,一個洗手間,及一個私人房間。由於店主很重視與客戶的溝通,吧台是客戶進門看到並與之互動的第一個組件。在用餐區中,定制的桌椅為每位客人提供足夠的個人空間; 定制的桌椅可以重新排列組合, 成為一張長餐桌,這讓咖啡店可以舉辦各種活動,如讀書會、咖啡品鑒會、甚至是咖啡比賽。

The plan has a long bar table, an open coffee-tasting area, a washroom, and a private room at the back. As the owner values communication with their audience, the bar is the first component seen and interacted with by the customers. In the dining area, custom-made tables and benches provide sufficient personal space for each individual; they can relocated as a long dining table, which allows the coffee shop to hold events such as a reading club, coffee tasting, or even a coffee-making competition.


Considering the customers might stay overnight in the shop, the team equipps the with a hair dryer, exclusive storage, and a makeup mirror. At the end of the space is a tiny private room of 9 sqm. It has only a window 200 by 200 on the ceiling, which totally isolates space from the outside world.

所有的室內裝置都有方形符號,這是隨著藥箱的想法而發展得來的。這些方形附號的數量總和總是十二,象征著一個個時辰,與品牌形象互相呼應。燈具也延續了這種設計語言和邏輯,並將象征性的虹吸直壸作為燈罩。虹吸咖啡是拾貳時辰的核心產品,因此在選材方面 STUDIO 4/301 解構了虹吸壺的材料,使用玻璃、不銹鋼、木材來作為空間的主材。

All the interior fixtures have small squares, which developed with the idea of medicine chests. The number of those squares always sums up to twelve, symbolising the two-hour period. The light fixtures also continue this design language and logic and hold the symbolic siphon as the shade holder. Siphon coffee is the core product in Anytime Coffee, STUDIO 4/301 dissects the materials of a siphon, and employs glass, metal, and wood in the space.

木材上, 設計團隊選擇了刨花板,該材料制作過程跟咖啡制作過程相似, 都是由原材料打碎後壓制而成的,並且,設計團隊發現塗上木蠟油後的刨花板可以呈現出不同深淺的棕色,這與不同用時烘焙的咖啡豆相呼應,而這種偏紅深棕色是由咖啡師一遍一遍親手塗刷, 直到貼近他們心目中的虹吸咖啡的顏色。

In terms of wood, STUDIO 4/301 chooses the chipboard. It is cut, compressed and made as the same way as coffee. After experimenting with the wood paint, the team found the painted chipboard could render different depths of brown, echoing the coffee beans roasted in different time scales. This red-dark-brown colour, is hand-painted by the barista himself, one layer over another, until the resulting colour as closed as the siphon coffee in their mind.

由於預算不足, 施工隊在基礎作業結束後, 墻面上的油漆、空間內的餐椅、餐桌、吧台、燈具, 全部都是由咖啡師們一點一點完成的, 這種堅持, 也許帶來了一些工藝上的不完美, 但卻更真誠地披露出咖啡師和設計師對分享咖啡與空間的期待。

Due to the low budget, the consturction team just finished the fundamental work. The paint of the floor, and those dinning chairs, tables, bar table and light fixtures, are all completed bit by bit by the baristas. This insist might bring some imperfection in construction techniques, but it can rather reveal the hope of sharing coffee and space.








设计方:STUDIO 4/301

项目面积:46 sqm

设计时间:2023 年 1 月 – 2023 年 3 月

摄影: Olivia Lu & Natalie

Project Information——

Project Name:Anytime Coffee


Area:46 sqm

Design Time:Jan 2023-Mar 2023

Photography:Olivia Lu & Natalie