A Renewed Exploration of Diversity and Locality in Art Spaces: SUIYUE ART by DA INTEGRATING

▲尊崇历史与文化 Honouring History and Culture

成都作为川派艺术的高地,上世纪末,何多苓、周春芽、张晓刚等一批杰出的艺术家在这里崭露头角,玉林路则成为当代艺术家们的聚集之所,先锋的文艺、时尚的生活方式在此处萌芽。岁月艺术馆作为本土文化集群的一部分,新馆选址该片区芳草西街一栋80年代老写字楼,DA INTEGRATING受邀为其打造全新艺术空间,将原展厅1500平米精简至400平米。
As a hub of Sichuan-style art, Chengdu has witnessed a group of outstanding artists such as He Duoling, Zhou Chunya, and Zhang Xiaogang emerge at the end of the last century. Yulin Road, a gathering place for contemporary artists, has bred avant-garde artistic and fashionable lifestyles. As a part of the local cultural cluster, SUIYUE ART finds its new location in an old office building in the 1980s on Fangcao West Street. DA INTEGRATING created a brand new art space reduced to 400 square meters from the original 1,500-square-meter gallery.


▲改造前 Before Renovation

Considering the unfavorable conditions of too many columns and too long passages in the project site, the designers proposed the concept of “bamboo” emerging from the ground to make the new space grow from the old building through a minimalist approach.


A blending of old and new, deconstruction and reorganization
建筑立面灵感来自“包裹”艺术家Christo and Jeanne-Claude,旧建筑与纯白敦厚的体块融合,雕刻出岁月的质感。设计尊重周边环境,最大程度上与城市社区融合共生,门洞入口犹如一个框景,时刻记录着成都生活里的烟火气。
Inspired by the artworks of the artists Christo and Jeanne Claude, the pure white facade blends with the old building to sculpt the texture of time. As a homage to the surrounding environment, the design integrates into the city and coexists with the community. Like an enframed scenery, the entrance constantly records the everyday life in Chengdu.

▲互动 Interaction

▲内外空间关系 Internal and external spatial relationships


Internal and external spatial relationships (Solve the problem of the low entrance, and break the limitation of the original structure)

▲晨曦光影 Dawn light and shadow

▲岁月痕迹 Traces of time

▲城市缩影 An epitome of the city

▲序厅 Front Gallery

The long passageway becomes a joyful art gallery tour after renovation. Regarding the planning of circulation, the display window art gallery is on the ground floor, the stepped art gallery is on the second floor, and the installation gallery is on the third floor. The theme of “bamboo stem” went through the entire space, rhythmically distributed in the details in the passageway and lighting.


▲凹槽与材质关系 Relationship between groove and materials

▲竹节 Bamboo stem

▲冷暖交错,精神性空间 A spiritual space intertwined with warm and cool tones

▲渗入光 The penetration of light

▲节,灯光 Bamboo stem and lighting

▲一条光,装置艺术展厅 Light, Installation Art Gallery

▲空间层次 Spatial layering


02 介入延伸,包容多元
Intervening and extending, inclusive and diversified

▲一丝阳光,接待区 A beam of sunlight & Reception area

By exploring the infinite possibilities of the art space, the designers arranged the layout through interspersion and connection to dissolve the original columns. As a medium connecting the environment and nature, the openings in the wall extend the internal space infinitely, introducing sunshine of the four seasons and birdsong into the interior.
To organize the relationship between lighting, benches, columns, and exhibits, the design team extended the concept of the bamboo stem in the vertical sheet-like lighting after careful consideration, achieving the balance of functionality and aesthetics with strict spacing and proportion.


▲空间转换 Space transition

▲空间之间 Between the spaces

▲中展厅 Medium gallery

▲空间延伸 The extension of space

▲空间语言 Spatial layering

▲小展厅 Small gallery


▲洞见 View from the wall opening

▲静 Tranquility

▲对话 Dialogue

▲收藏纳入 Collection and fusion

▲主展墙,主展厅 Main exhibition wall & Main gallery

The wires and pipes hide above the ceiling, where the ceiling track is combined with the lighting skillfully, leaving more possibilities for the exhibition, making traditional Chinese art complement contemporary art creations.

The wood floor breaks the cold stereotype of an art gallery, while the white bench provides a place for parent-child communication, viewing, and rest.


Natural sequence, hazy light and shadow

▲映入 Light casting into the space

▲竹林下 Beneath the bamboo forest

▲绿影 Green shadow

▲间缝外 The outdoor scenery penetrated through the gaps

▲与光共憩 Rest with light

The curator’s office is a mix-use room serving as a collection gallery, VIP reception area, and tea room. The bamboo screen installation draws inspiration from the hazy and transparent techniques of Chinese watercolor paintings, expressing the imaginary-real changes in the entire spaces subtly. As light casts through the green glass, the space is infused with flowing and changing light and shadow.

As a local senior art platform operating for over a decade, SUIYUE ART has integrated art into the community, continuing to specialize in the public culture field and telling the story of eternal art life in Chengdu.









项目名称 | 成都岁月艺术馆
项目地址 | 四川成都高新区芳草西二街19号
项目面积 | 400㎡
设计周期 | 2021年4月至5月
完工时间 | 2023年1月6日
设计范围 | 建筑改造与室内设计
设计总监 | 魏展文
设计团队 | 欧烨桦,周凡,黄永灿,冯雪银
施工图深化设计 | 鲁工移山(深圳)深化设计有限公司
施工单位 | 四川省润之居建筑装饰工程有限公司
主要材质 | 乳胶漆木地板,清水混泥土,超白玻璃大理石A级软膜
灯光设计 | 魏展文
灯具 | 茂域照明 MERCANVEE
作品艺术家 | 何多苓,翁凯旋,杨冕,陈文波,魏彪(雕塑),陈曦,李倩茹
茶器 | 叁舍 (Sansher)
模特| 艺术家袁晓天
摄影师 | 苏圣亮

Project Information——
Project Name | SUIYUE ART
Project Location | No. 19, Fangcao West 2nd Street, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan
Project Area | 400㎡
Design Period| April-May 2021
Completion Time| January 6, 2023
Design Scope | Building Renovation and Interior Design
Design Director | Chinman Ngai
Design Team | Ou Yehua, Zhou Fan, Huang Yongcan, Feng Xueyin
Detailed Construction Drawings | Lugong Yishan (Shenzhen) Detailed Design Co., Ltd.
Construction Firm| Sichuan Runzhiju Architectural Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.
Main Materials | Latex paint, wooden floor, fair-faced concrete, ultra-clear glass, marble, A-grade soft film
Lighting Design | Chinman Ngai
Lighting | MERCANVEE
Artists | He Duoling, Weng Kaixuan, Yang Mian, Chen Wenbo, Wei Biao (sculpture), Chen Xi, Li Qianru
Tea Ware | Sansher
Model | Artist Yuan Xiaotian
Photographer | Su Shengliang