



Books are the cornerstone of a child’s growth,

Hometown, is the lingering side of the world.

“In books I can see countless hills and rivers and infinite faraway places.”

“A small classroom can also be filled with the whole world.” ……


Somewhere in a classroom in a remote area, fill in the clouds, embedded in the hills, rise the red sun.Light pours into this place with the children, climbing up the hill, plucking away the clouds and exploring new worlds.


The Cloudyhill Reading Room starts from the concern for the growth of children in remote areas, it is a small but big space for children to learn and play, and it is also a new programme for experimenting with children’s education in remote areas. Here, children can read a variety of books and participate in fun games, giving wings to the dreams of children growing up in remote areas.





Light: Design can be a beam of light


改造场地位于河南商丘市梁园区谢集镇的张步口小学,旨在以较低的预算下实现公益建设,为乡村儿童提供丰富的活动和解决看书问题。受北京市西部阳光农村发展基金会邀请,杰典国际建筑设计团队在2023年7月完成了充满爱心的——「云丘书屋 」儿童成长中心。该公益项目是为乡村儿童打造定制化的友好型环境创设,通过改造旧有空间并整合设计师、装饰装修和图书绘本等资源,创造可持续且可复制的空间原型,让这些空间为教育服务。

Located at Zhangbukou Primary School in Xieji Town, Liangyuan District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province, the renovation project aims to provide beneficial after-school activities and reading space for children in remote areas with a charitable design at a low construction cost. Invited by Beijing Western Sunshine Rural Development Foundation, BAI Design Internatioanl architects completed the ‘Cloudyhill Reading Room’ children’s development centre in July 2023 with a lot of love. The charity project is to create a specific and friendly environment for children in remote areas by transforming old classroom spaces and integrating designers, interiors and illustrated books to create sustainable and replicable prototypes of spaces that can be used for education.

▲ 以设计为光,为孩子点亮一个充满无限可能的学习成长空间


The original campus reading room at Zhangbukou Primary School was just over 60 square metres in size, and after in-depth conversations with the headmaster, we learnt that the layout of the original campus reading room was similar to that of a classroom, with the usual elements of a lectern, blackboard and desks occupying the entire space. In order to change this situation, we left the traditional reading room layout behind and sought to inspire children in remote areas to explore knowledge through innovative design, giving them a space full of unlimited possibilities for learning and growth.

▲ 改造前图书室现状

▲ 通过设计激发孩子对阅读和知识的乐趣(改造前后对比)





Hills: Design starts with a Chinese story


我们从起伏的山川和壮美的云海中获取灵感,将这个仅有60平米的「云丘书屋 」儿童成长中心打造成一个叙事且具有趣味性的场景空间,为他们创造一个充满活力和无限可能性的空间。

Taking inspiration from the hills and clouds, we’ve made the 60 sqaur metre Cloudyhill Reading Room children’s development centre a narrative space with a playful setting, creating a space of vibrancy and endless possibilities.

▲ 概念手绘 ——“读万卷书,行万里路”


In terms of design, we focused on creating a comfortable and fun reading environment while introducing creative elements and decorations to create an engaging atmosphere. Cloud shaped seats and hilly reading corners allow children to enjoy reading in a cosy environment.

▲ 舒适有趣的阅读区域

▲ 叙事且具有趣味性的场景空间


We enhance the space with sound and lighting effects, using two light sources to add a splash of sunset colour to the walls and to set the stage for the children’s creative shadow play. These facilities help children to have a more communicative and social experience while reading, allowing them to enhance their reading skills.





The design of the hill shape bookshelves is derived from the cascading mountainous terrain, extracting lines both vertically and horizontally, and dividing the two “hills”facing each other into six freely movable bookshelves. “Interactive” is the key word, and the six movable bookshelves can be flexibly combined and used in connection with children’s activities. The design can meet different needs and scenarios. In addition to serving as a daily reading space, it can also provide a relaxing and enjoyable place for special courses, parent meetings, drama performances, etc..



This design also creates spatial layering and visual interest. The undulating shapes and moveable shelves bring versatility to the space, making the reading room more attractive and dynamic. It not only provides a place to read and learn, but also brings more opportunities for children to interact, create and entertain.






Clouds: Childhood Games and Gatherings




We wanted to create not just a reading room,

but an enlightening place.


The cloud-shaped design emulates the magnificent clouds, with light textured paper decorations on the ceiling and soft artificial lighting, bringing a gentle temperament to the space. The cloud screen of the ceiling dissolves the original tall and empty space, creating the experience of being in the clouds with a more intimate gesture, a dialogue with nature, fading boundaries, and opening up the imagination and the future. It is an enlightening place.




We moved the clouds into the small reading room to respond to the feeling of being on top of the mountain, “looking up to the sky and the world, spreading out at ease”. The use of ocean balls gives the space the joy of childhood, breaking the boundaries of space and function, and bringing an open and lively atmosphere. Children have fun searching for poems hidden among the clouds.







Rural Welfare : Making Public Welfare a Fashion



In recent years, the issue of children’s reading in remote areas of China has attracted the attention of the public welfare, and thanks to the efforts of various sectors, more and more children’s books have been donated to the villages and towns, and the quantity of books is no longer a pressing issue at the moment. Building children’s development centres has become the latest challenge that needs to be addressed. Cultivating an interest in reading and creating an attractive space is crucial to the sustainability of the charity’s projects in the future.

▲ 在快乐中学习,在学习中成长

▲ 落日余晖投影光幕


“We hope that the design is not just an outcome, but a public welfare project that motivates more people to take part in it”, BAI Design International architect Bai Yu said. Adhering to the concept of sustainable development, we cooperate with the Western Sunshine Foundation to explore the new possibilities of circular economy in “charity + design”. Through the fun design, we can cultivate children’s reading habits, make charity a “fashion”, go beyond the single “book donation”, inspire more people to participate in the creation and construction of charity projects, and promote the development of remote areas.



Make charity a fashion, welcome to join us


Make charity a fashion and create a reading room of love for children in remote areas!





项目名称:  云丘书屋





公益设计团队:英国杰典国际建筑 BAI Design International

设计主创团队:白宇、孟菲、Laura Zurbano、王薇娜、栗紫薇、赵婧、胡蓉、梁颖、朴香霖、裴菲


设计施工团队: 边角线(北京)装饰工程有限公司

摄影团队:UK Studio