奥地利艺术家/建筑师Florian Pucher和他的北京人搭档—平面设计师Sophia共同成立了一个基于北京,以建筑设计,平面设计,产品设计,室内设计为业务的工作室。这款有趣的景观地毯也来自这个跨学科,跨尺度的工作室。
景观地毯的设计灵感来自Florian Pucher早期旅行时通过飞机,公共汽车,火车还有游轮看到的各个国家不同的景观与地貌。这些迷人的景观深深吸引了Florian,同时作为建筑师的Florian因为经常阅览现场图,城市规划图与航拍图,他敏锐的发现一些国家的地貌极具辨识度,并在2007年与地毯供应商聊天时将这一想法大胆的实施到地毯创作上。
↑ Bahamas 巴哈马
↑ Europe 欧洲
↑ Europe 欧洲
↑ HK West Side 香港西九
↑ Hongkong 香港
↑ Italy 意大利
↑ Netherlands 荷兰
↑ Africa 非洲
↑ America 美国
At that point I didn’t have a clear plan of how to commercialize the rug, but then I received an Elle Decoration International Design Award for best floor covering China in 2009 out of the blue. Media request where comingin and people started to ask how to purchase my rugs so I redesigned my website, had tags and packagingmade, started adding little plastic farm animals for recognition in professional product photos shots that I hadmade.
In my first collection I have tried to show as many different aspects of farming as possible and since thenhave expanded it only by two pieces.Italy and Hong Kong were one-offs that went to design auctions and while Italy is still all about landscape, Hong Kong for the first time explores urbanization and cityscapes and the relationship between land and water.
Based on its success a follow-up piece entitled LANDCARPET Hong Kong Kowloon West Side was recently acquired by Design museum M+ for their permanent design collection.
Florian Pucher是谁?
(左二: Florian Pucher )
Florian Pucher,是维也纳建筑设计师,就读于奥地利维也纳应用艺术大学,其导师为著名的普里兹克奖项得主Zaha Hadid女士。2003年期间Florian在建筑大师库哈斯的荷兰鹿特丹建筑事务所参与北京CCTV中央电视台新址的设计工作,2004年以建筑师的身份在北京开始工作和生活。
Florian Pucher还是国际创意论坛PechaKucha Beijing的联合创始人。