
The project aimed to question the relationship that Quebeckers have with their built heritage. We were trying to create a distinctive element, in contrast to the highly touristic environment it’s questioning. The pink monolithic passage generates the illusion of a crossing; It offers visitors a colorful and immersive experience that plunges them into another universe that passes through a historical piece of architecture.

装置外貌,exterior view of the installation



The royal battery was originally a front in the St. Lawrence River. Built at the end of the 17th century, the fortification was designed to protect the territory and its resources against invasion.

However, over the years, the structure has disappeared from the Québec City waterfront. Then obsolete and completely abandoned, it deteriorated and was buried under successive layers of bitumen. It was only in 1977 that the drum was completely unearthed and rebuilt. Today, the water again cyclically touches the foot of the fortification; It is then that the residue of history regains sporadically its meaning. Why have we rebuilt what we ourselves have forsaken? Ironically, the impassable moat is no longer. What then becomes of his role in the contemporary city?

▼昔日皇家炮台,the former royal battery

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▼水渠依稀重现炮台作为水边阵地的模样,the water again cyclically touches the foot of the fortification


▼位于右侧的假通道及穿孔铝板细节,the false passage and the perforated panel detail



The perforation lets hundreds of light beams penetrate as they follow the sun’s cycles. At the end of the passage, an inclined mirror returns the back of the frames that are painted in another color in order to give the illusion of a continuity. We seem to be able to cross this impassable fortification as the angle of the mirror hides our reflexion and shows a different path.

▼在不断变幻轨迹的太阳的照耀下,成百上千道光柱透过穿孔铝板射向装置内部, the perforation lets hundreds of light beams penetrate

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Impostor seeks to question the authenticity of the area by creating a false passage in a false royal battery; Two fake pieces that meet each other.

False moat, false drawbridge.

Who is the true impostor?

What remains of authenticity in this sector?

The battery?

The passage?

Our image …?

▼镜中扭曲的光线与变幻的色彩创造了另一重空间,仿佛是真实空间向着另一个世界的延伸, an inclined mirror give the illusion of a continuity

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▼结构轴测图,axonometric view







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