项目名为Bloom是一系列的空间装置设计。由Norm Architects事务所完成,他们为哥本哈根的第一届自然科学节设计了这组空间建筑。

Norm Architects designs the spatial architecture for Bloom, Copenhagen’s first festival of nature and science.

▼这组装置的设计是为了庆祝哥本哈根的第一届自然与科学节,this collection is designed for Copenhagen’s first festival of nature and science


Norm Architects与Golden Days合作为Bloom自然科学节设计了其中的空间和建筑。Bloom这个项目位于哥本哈根市中心最大的公园Søndermarken。组织者意图通过迷人的演讲和景观,以及超乎想象的装置艺术和工作坊,启发人们对自然世界,宇宙,和人类本身的想象。

In collaboration with Golden Days, Norm Architects creates the spatial design and architecture for Bloom, a festival of nature and science situated in the heart of one of Copenhagen’s largest parks, Søndermarken. From enchanting walks and talks, to mind-blowing installations and workshops, the festival sought to engage and inspire, sparking curiosity and wonder in the universe, the natural world and what it means to be human.

▼空间中令人惊喜的装置,surprising installations scattered in the space

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设计灵感来自于科学实验室。 设计师试图探索那些人们注意到但轻易忽视的自然现象。 一系列的放置在科技节场地的装置艺术激发人们对形态,材料, 和多元化视角的思考。 从大尺度的装置艺术到小而分散的造型,大小不一的模块化豆荚形物体模糊了实用和艺术的边界。 由此创造的空间可以根据人们的需要调整功能和形态。 因此, 新的空间叙事便可以在科技节期间不断演化 。另一方面,镜面也可以被用做框取独特景色,同时反映出游客和自然风光。

Taking its inspiration from world of the science laboratory, the spatial concept explored the idea of what we may notice and what we readily overlook. A series of installations throughout out the festival site prompted visitors to consider form, materiality and alternative perspectives. From large scale installations to smaller dispersed forms, the modular podiums blurred the boundaries between function and art – creating spatial installations for people to use, adapt and reconfigure. This allowed a constantly evolving spatial narrative throughout the festival period. Mirror was also used to frame unusual views, reflecting the viewer and the surrounding natural landscape.

▼玻璃材质中反射着自然景观,the mirror gives a reflecting view of the natural surroundings

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The scale of the spatial elements expanded and contracted according to the festivals different touch points. Seemingly uniform geometric forms varied in size and materiality, prompting the viewer to consider their elemental qualities. From solid wood to giant balloons filled with air, each spatial element required visitors to look closer, to touch, smell and sense their physical surroundings. Over the course of the two days, they became the starting points for audiences to participate in nature walks under the open sky of Søndermarken.

▼漂浮在空间中的气球,the floating bloom

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Larger blooming forms suspended amongst trees created moments of reflection, and the framework for intimate lectures from philosophers and scientists alike. Smaller floating forms became part of the festivals way-finding, leading visitors through the trees to the festival grounds. Bright white surfaces, geometric shapes and molecular structures all formed a scientific visual language, creating a stark contrast to nature’s luscious green backdrop.

▼几何状的白色装置与绿色的自然空间形成对比,the scientific visual language contrasts to nature’s luscious green backdrop

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▼森林中的静思空间,space for introspection

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