伦敦的创意设计工作室Marshmallow Laser Feast应用激光,打造了一条绚丽的可与汽车交互的音乐激光赛道。由2015款雷克萨斯NX限量版与Black Eyed Peas(黑眼豆豆)成员 will.i.am 合作完成。
Madrid, Spain-Clay Paky Sharpys have one again played an integral role in an epic stunt by trailblazing light artists Marshmallow Laser Feast (MLF) and lighting designer Matthew Button, who have combined their creative genius to pull off a sensory spectacular for Lexus Europe and international megastar will.i.am.
[videojs_video url=”http://www.hisheji.com/%E9%9F%B3%E4%B9%90%E9%9B%B7%E5%85%8B%E8%90%A8%E6%96%AF” height=”358″ width=”680″ ]
Marshmallow Laser Feast是一个总部位于伦敦的设计工作室,它一直在寻找将创建突破性的视觉体验,并沉浸在开发惊奇完全意想不到的方式中的团队。