wooom studio | stamp cafe II
stamp意为邮票、印记、印戳。stamp cafe ll店以主理人之愿用更随意的姿态入住社区,供来往者休憩与放松。本案将更多的空间给到面包区,后厨的操作区、烘培区与打包区一气呵成,让客人能同时享受到美味的咖啡与面包。 The stamp II store aims to become a relaxed and welcoming community space, where visitors […]

wooom studio | stamp cafe
主理人希望他的空间和咖啡能给大家留下一抹印记,欧洲留学的经历让他更喜欢一些有沉淀感的东西,但同时希望这里保有包容和开放的态度。 The owner wants his space and coffee to leave a stamp on everyone. His experience of studying in Europe makes him prefer something with […]

wooom studio | arm chair
arm chair以椅子为主题,整体风格以简约为主。通过材质、结构、色调、质感各异的元素,营造出松弛平和的空间情绪。 The armchair, with a minimalist design, focuses on the theme of chairs.It creates a relaxed and peaceful ambiance through the use of various […]

wooom studio | the bazaar
梧桐树下的浪漫“市集”the bazaar源自马来语意为市集,位于美食林立的宏济巷。我们的设计愿景是创造一个温暖又不失随意的小餐厅。我们希望这个空间是热闹的,富有生气的,唤起人们对美食和美酒的热爱和欣赏。 Located in the foodie paradise of Hongji Lane, “the bazaar” is a charming little rest […]

wooom studio | Vis à Vis
vis à vis店名是西班牙语,意为“面对面”,即客人来品尝咖啡便是与咖啡师的面对面交流。 The name of the cafe, “Vis à Vis“, means “face to face” in Spanish, symbolizing the direct interaction between customers and bari […]