鲁班时代建筑装饰设计 | Beauty of Concept store
一切源于对未来的设想 一个让人走进来便留恋于内 不舍离去的温暖空间 它唤起了人们文化基因中的记忆 Everything comes from a vision of the future One approaches An unforgettable Reluctant to leave the warm space It evokes memories in people’s cul […]

鲁班时代建筑装饰设计 | LubanEra·Design office
纯粹美学 Pure aesthetics 抛弃所有复杂的理念 自然纯朴 才能走进内心与灵魂的深处 让心归然 Abandon all complex ideas Natural simplicity To enter the depths of the heart and soul Let the heart return to nature ▲建筑外观 Architectural appearan […]