iZ Design Studio丨QG STATION
清鬼作为一家成立近20年的刺青店,并没有太过宏大的理想,却依旧成为了国内刺青行业独树一帜的存在。我想这就是坚持的力量。 As a tattoo shop established for nearly 20 years, QG does not have a too ambitious ideal, but it still becomes a unique presence in the dome […]

iZ Design Studio丨Sunset Café
「Sunset Café」中文名叫“三圣食堂”,来源于店址前身“三圣茶铺”。“Sunset”不仅是日落的夕阳,慵懒温暖;更与“三圣”谐音,希望留下老成都的记忆。 The 「Sunset Café」is also called “SAN SHENG Canteen” in Chinese and is derived from the former “SAN SHENG Tea Shop”.“Sun […]

iZ Design Studio丨Manner Coffee
Manner Coffee 2015创立于上海,从那家门头小到不行的南阳路店开始,在咖啡行业一路高歌猛进,如今已经成为国内不可小觑的咖啡品牌。 Manner Coffee was founded in Y2015, starting from Nanyang Road Store whose facade was extremely tiny. It has become a good coffe […]