Posts tagged "iZ"

构看建筑设计 | Co-Restaurant
当代语境下,空间回顾本质,是以人为核心的场域所在。藉此,我们带来全新品牌Gokan,译为五感,将空间作为载体来探讨与落实全面感知体验的可行性。 In the contemporary context, space returns to its essence as a human-centred field. With this, we bring the new brand Gokan, tra […]

Gokan Studio | one Plate
在面包,咖啡和Brunch的业态属性里,空间氛围需围绕着一种适合聊天小聚,轻松温暖,热络能留得住人的感受去营造。 In the business attributes of bakery, coffee, and brunch, the atmosphere in this space needs to be created around a laid-back and warm feeling […]

iZ Design Studio丨趙ZHAO · 干式熟成牛排坊
牛肉烹饪最早起源于欧洲中世纪时期。自十八世纪开始,从英国流行至美国再到全世界。作为成都老牌西餐品牌「Burano布拉诺」旗下的高端系列,「趙ZHAO · 干式熟成牛排坊」以全新的形象亮相于大众视野。此次设计,通过表达对牛排馆的理解,来还原它应有的样子。 Beef cooking originated from the European in middle ages. Starting from t […]