Gokan Studio|帕帕拉兹宠物亚洲旗舰店
走进帕帕拉兹宠物亚洲旗舰店,仿佛踏入了一个为宠物爱好者精心打造的梦想国度。 Walking into the Pupurazzi Pets Asian Flagship Store feels like a dreamland carefully designed for pet lovers.Here, all pet-related services and products are brou […]

Gokan Studio | Grid Coffee
咖啡文化已成為人們日常生活中的一部分,也是社交與放鬆的好去處。 Coffee culture has become part of people’s daily lives, providing a perfect destination for socializing and relaxation. 此次受咖啡品牌Grid Coffee委託,在北京THE BOX朝外年輕力中心的特殊店型設計,商業 […]

Gokan Studio | 300藤VINES
餐酒馆的消费场景,是一天忙完后放松的好去处。在轻松的环境氛围下,佐以美酒佳肴,是令人向往的愉悦画面。 The wine bar is a pleasant place to unwind after a busy day. It creates a pleasurable and appealing experience when combined with delectable wine and […]

Gokan Studio | 559+(IFS)
早午餐,咖啡的业态属性,是一天开始最适合的消费场景。温度和轻松的氛围营造,是首先需要去做考虑规划的。 The commercial attribute of brunch and coffee is the most appropriate consumption scenario to begin the day. The temperature and establishment of a c […]

Gokan Studio | one Plate
在面包,咖啡和Brunch的业态属性里,空间氛围需围绕着一种适合聊天小聚,轻松温暖,热络能留得住人的感受去营造。 In the business attributes of bakery, coffee, and brunch, the atmosphere in this space needs to be created around a laid-back and warm feeling […]