E27 Studio | 捋毛Pet Live Center
让设计成为与自然对话的语言,唤醒内心深处对和谐与平衡的渴望。 Make design a language of dialogue with nature, awaken a deep desire for harmony and balance. 汲取自然界的勃勃生机为灵感,「捋毛」品牌标志以奶酪形态呈现,传递生态清新活力。以生趣盎然的方式,引导视觉互动体验。 Take the vitality […]

这里是没有时间概念的场所 月亮也是黄沙的颜色 This is a place without the concept of time. The moon is also the color of yellow sand. ——博尔赫斯《老虎的金黄》 Borges《The Golden Yellow of the Tiger》 阖辟 · CHANGE 铺陈故事线,有关Ge […]

E27 STUDIO | 24ans
楔 · PROLOGUE 现代人以服装作为自我的延伸,借助时装让唯我论在庸碌宇宙中显圣。我们在此讨论,如何制造一个「时尚」的容器?拒绝追逐流行的虚型,将复制品归入劣等,以拓荒者的姿态展露态度。正如阿庇亚认为:不应制造森林的幻觉,要创造身处森林者的幻觉。 Modern people use clothing as an extension of themselves an […]

E27 Studio | ONE WAVE成都太古里店
Made作为make的过去分词,代表着传统的手作工艺。而Making一词是代表发展的现在分词,我们用“in the making”来诠释银饰行业的新未来。 Made, as the past tense of make, represents traditional handicrafts. The word “Making” is the present participle of develo […]