白鹭洲公园位于厦门市中心,是重要的市民休闲场所,环绕公园的筼筜湖原与海相通,现为内湖。 Bailuzhou Park, located in the center of Xiamen, is an important recreational spot for residents. The Yundang Lake surrounding the park was originally conne […]

无锡欧阳跳建筑设计 | 小茶栽堂
上下五千年,一《经》圭臬成。 三昧杯盏中,茶道始传承。 ——茶者 Five thousand years of Chinese traditional culture makes the standard of classics In the cup of samadhi, the tea ceremony passes down all the time. ——Tea maker 快节奏的现代生 […]