平介设计 | 东太湖喜马拉雅有声书屋
“空间的设计,它所承载的是文化、文明以及所要应对的环境因素。” ——马里奥.贝里尼 The design of the space, it carries the culture, civilization and the corresponding environmental factors. ——Mario Bellini 东太湖慧客厅位于江苏省苏州市吴江东太湖生态旅游度假区,本次项目在不改变 […]

平介设计 | 萃华珠宝
“采盘花阁无穷意,只在游丝一缕中。”但我不想要这千年离别的悲痛,唯独青睐这忠贞不渝的游丝一缕。 “Pick dish flower pavilion infinite meaning, only in a wisp of gossamer.” But I do not want the thousand years of parting grief, only favor the loyal go […]

平介设计 | LIM PIZZA店
LIM PIZZA位于苏州市虎丘区绿宝广场步行街,这个项目的选址是一个仅有64m²的类正方形店面,我们在满足功能属性的前提下,糅合了超前与务实的理念,给予店铺建筑美感,将空间使用面积最大化的同时增加空间趣味性,营造出LIM PIZZA店丰沛的新生活力空间。 LIM PIZZA is located in Lvbao Square pedestrian street, Huqiu District, […]

平介设计| 苏州烘焙体验厨房
呼吸到你灵魂里温柔的气息, 那是种沉埋在暗影里的芬芳; —雨果 Breathe the soft of your soul, which is the fragrance buried in the shadow. – Victor Hugo 设计理念:“蒸发与升华” Design Concept: “Evaporation and sublimation” 设计概念缘起烘 […]