时上建筑空间设计 | 悦+ Deco 生活美学馆
杭州钱江世纪公园,毗邻奥体中心和G20峰会主会场,与钱江新城隔江而望,集商业、旅游、休闲娱乐、文体活动为一体。 Hangzhou Qianjiang Century Park, adjacent to the Olympic Sports Center and the main venue of the G20 Summit, looking across the river from Qianj […]

戈多设计 | 名洲跨界美学空间
“华夏民族之文化,历数千载之演进,造极于赵宋之世” ——陈寅恪 “The culture of the Chinese nation, through thousands of years of evolution, was created in the Zhao and Song dynasties” —— Chen Yinque 一朝梦回,追问世人最愿回到哪个朝代,答案最多的,就是宋朝。只因它 […]