艾舍尔设计 | R130巨鹿路店
序列之美,冷静而有力 The beauty of sequence, calm and powerful 巨鹿路东起金陵西路西至常熟路,全长2290米,两侧花园洋房和海派新式里弄林立,是上海极具代表性的历史风貌区;路边法国梧桐绿荫如盖,虽毗邻静安寺的繁华商圈,却独享一方宁静。 Julu Road starts from Jinling West Road in the east to Changs […]

艾舍尔设计 | 播broadcast衡山坊体验店
衡山坊位于天平路以东衡山路以北,始建于上世纪 30、40 年代,包括 11 幢独立花园洋房和两排新式里弄住宅,建筑具有海派民居典型样式,是一处承载着历史记忆的地点,同时也体现着这座城市文化的多样性。 Hengshan square was built in the 1930s and 1940s. It is located to the east of Tianping road and to […]

艾舍尔设计 | 上海VISION 咖啡
衡山坊位于天平路以东衡山路以北,始建于上世纪30、40年代,包括11幢独立花园洋房和两排新式里弄住宅,建筑具有海派民居典型样式,是一处承载着历史记忆的地点,同时也体现着这座城市文化的多样性。 Hengshan square was built in the 1930s and 1940s. It is located to the east of Tianping road and to the […]

艾舍尔设计 | 首饰品牌aqua silhouette第一家快闪店
aqua silhouette是中国上海的新锐首饰设计师品牌,位于上海K11购物艺术中心负一层的第一家实验性快闪店,秉承品牌的理念,即“轻松,愉悦,带来满足和幸福感”来设计。 As a young jewelry designer brand born in Shanghai, It is the first experimental flash shop on the lower floor o […]