01 出发地 01 Place of departure 中心城老社区中长出来的新生气 The new vitality that is nurtured by an aged community downtown 「城市社区店就像家庭的延伸」 A shop opened in a community downtown resembles a family atmosphere. 喝咖啡是一种日常 […]

具格设计 | 笨鱼烤焰所
笨鱼烤焰所是给日式烤肉赋予本土精气神的体验场。笨鱼创始人的海钓喜好引出了品牌的发展故事,从食材源头到餐桌坚持新鲜、品质,注重体验的温馨、自在。 B-Fish entitles local spirits to the Japanese barbecue. With the founder of B-Fish adoring fishing in the sea as the brand story […]