wooom studio | arm chair
arm chair以椅子为主题,整体风格以简约为主。通过材质、结构、色调、质感各异的元素,营造出松弛平和的空间情绪。 The armchair, with a minimalist design, focuses on the theme of chairs.It creates a relaxed and peaceful ambiance through the use of various […]

玳山建筑设计 | HAY COFFEE
HAY COFFEE是一家深耕社区的独立精品咖啡店,至今开业已有六年时间,此次委托玳山建筑设计为HAY COFFEE的门店进行改造设计,同时也是其第二次空间设计与更新。 HAY COFFEE is an independent boutique coffee shop that goes deep into the community. It has been in operation for s […]