多么工作室 | 苏州书一·山海集自习室
所学隔山海,山海皆可平;翻阅书海,不忘初心。 No matter how deep the knowledge is, one can strive to acquire it;Read thousands of books and stay true to the mission . 项目概况 Project overview 多么工作室受委托为书一设计其苏州分店-书 […]

多么工作室 | 书一自习室
漂泊在钢筋混泥土的魔幻都市,总希望能有一隅柔软承载自己的理想、梦想或幻想。它在云间,在晨光中,在60平的群租房以外,它在“书一”。 Wandering in the magic city of concrete, I always hope that there can be a soft place bearing my ideals, dreams or fantasy. It could b […]