今朝风日好 | 临里叙CHAT BY
一.当代祠堂 临:到,来;光临,莅临,亲临; 里:附近的地方; 叙:叙事,叙亲,叙旧; Chat by:连接,分享,融合。 Lin: to arrive, to visit, to show up in person, to feel welcome; Li: to be a part of the neighborhood; Xu: to tell narratives, stories, an […]

潮汕人以精明、坚韧和专注的特质被誉称为“东方犹太人”,潮州菜也以精细、考究和中和的特色走俏神州及海外。唐潮码头的设计主题围绕潮汕文化,以中式现代混搭的手法为这一粤东族群的悠远传统注入当代新韵。 Teochew people are called Oriental Jews for their traits of shrewd, tenacity, and concentration, while […]