治木设计 | Wassup house(东山口店)
我们产出服饰,又不仅限服饰。我们⼀路关注年轻群体的动向,服饰是作为输出「work sport play」思考⽅式的⼀种载体,每个⼈社会中所扮演的⻆⾊,在⽇常变化中获取学习的能⼒,同时保持对⽣活的趣味好奇。 —— Wassup We manufacture clothing, but not simply clothing. We are always monitoring young people […]

治木设计丨Yu‘s Patisserie 余日法式甜品
在既定建筑框架中,打造容纳人与甜品的空间。让空间里的身体与甜品形成对话和互动,进而与感知和生活相关。 It will create a space for people and dessert in the established architectural framework, so as to let the body in the space form a dialogue and inte […]

“侃天说地,歇脚喝茶”是坐茶TEA-TALES的SLOGAN,也似重庆人豪爽个性的直白表达,无论是阳春白雪还是下里巴人,一间茶馆,一壶好茶,就是江湖。 “Talk about heaven and earth, have a rest and drink tea” is the SLOGAN of TEA-TALES, and it is similar to the straightforwar […]