MEEM HOUSE | 安吉利(西安王府井)二奢零售终端
2023年6月30日,MEEM HOUSE设计的安吉利二奢零售终端:一个内核为美术馆的“橙子”,融合了艺术策展与商业零售的新物种,在西安王府井正式对外开放。 On June 30, 2023, ANJLE Vintage Luxury Store designed by MEEM HOUSE was officially opened at Wangfujing, Xi’an. It […]

TOPOS DESIGN | Mingsi 2022,小径分岔的花园
小径分岔的花园是一个庞大的谜语,或者是寓言故事,谜底是时间。 ——博尔赫斯,小径分岔的花园 The Garden of Forking Paths is an enormous guessing game, or parable, in which the subject is time. ——Luis Borges,The Garden of Forking Paths ▲概念图 Design […]

Wutopia Lab | 朵云书院(米罗店)
童话为我们揭开了记忆帏幔的一角,那里深藏着我们久已淡忘的童稚世界,可是我们已经失去了飞翔的翅膀,在索然寡味的成人世界里,童年如同一个纯洁无邪的梦。 So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wing […]

TOPOS DESIGN | 上海小小萌树法语培训中心古北校区
我们应该创造那些简单、好用、不加装饰的物品,那些与人和谐相处的东西,可以有机地适用于所有大街来来往往的人群。——阿尔瓦·阿尔托 We should work for simple, good, undecorated things, but things which are in harmony with the human being and organically suited to the […]

“城市中伟大建筑经久存在,因为他们的形式能够容纳因时间变化而产生的不同功能。” “The great buildings have survived precisely because of their form, one which is able to accommodate different functions over time.” ——Peter Eisenman 碰头吃饭 / MEE […]

TOPOS DESIGN|上海Mingsi不见之城
“醒来后,所有人都去寻找那座城市。没有找到城市,那些人却会聚到了一起,于是,大家决定建造一所梦境中的城市。” ––卡尔维诺《看不见的城市》 After the dream they set out in search of that city; they never found it, but they found one another; they decided to build a city […]

TOPOS DESIGN | 夸父炸串空间站
“夸父与日逐走,入日;渴,欲得饮,饮于河、渭;河、渭不足,北饮大泽。未至,道渴而死。弃其杖,化为邓林。” ——《山海经》 One day, Kuafu decided to chase and catch the Sun. He followed the Sun from the East to the West, draining the Yellow River and the Wei Riv […]

TOPOS DESIGN | 墨伊教育中心,上海
大自然希望儿童在成人以前就要像儿童的样子。 Nature hopes that children should be like children before they become adults. ——让·雅卢·卢梭《爱弥儿》 Jean Jacques Rousseau, 《Emile》 ▲概念轴测 Conceptual Axonometric diagram 墨伊教育是一家以培养教育二至六岁学 […]

TOPOS DESIGN | 劲葛琳克早教培训天瑞路校区
所有的大人都是小孩,在孩子的帮助下重新认识这个世界。 All adults are children, with the help of children to re-understand the world. GO & LINK ▲总体轴测图 Overall axonometric drawing 劲葛琳克婴幼学苑(Gymgolink)是一家致力于0-3岁婴幼儿发育与成长的全日制专业早教 […]

TOPOS DESIGN丨果壳宇宙,Liberal Coffee
I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space. Hamlet, Shakespeare 即便把我关在果壳中,我仍然是无限空间之王。 《哈姆雷特》,莎士比亚 ▲主立面 作为2021年的第一个建成项目,TOPOS DESIGN为独立咖啡品牌Liberal Coffee创造了一方以小喻大的果壳宇宙。 […]