Gokan Studio|帕帕拉兹宠物亚洲旗舰店
走进帕帕拉兹宠物亚洲旗舰店,仿佛踏入了一个为宠物爱好者精心打造的梦想国度。 Walking into the Pupurazzi Pets Asian Flagship Store feels like a dreamland carefully designed for pet lovers.Here, all pet-related services and products are brou […]

构看建筑设计 | Co-Restaurant
当代语境下,空间回顾本质,是以人为核心的场域所在。藉此,我们带来全新品牌Gokan,译为五感,将空间作为载体来探讨与落实全面感知体验的可行性。 In the contemporary context, space returns to its essence as a human-centred field. With this, we bring the new brand Gokan, tra […]