Gokan Studio | one Plate
在面包,咖啡和Brunch的业态属性里,空间氛围需围绕着一种适合聊天小聚,轻松温暖,热络能留得住人的感受去营造。 In the business attributes of bakery, coffee, and brunch, the atmosphere in this space needs to be created around a laid-back and warm feeling […]

质感建筑设计 | 畅妈手作
真正的平静,不是避开车马喧嚣,而是在心中修篱种菊。——林徽因 True peace is not to get away from the worldly hustle and bustle, but to inwardly repair the fence and plant chrysanthemums. —— by Lin Huiyin ▲场地原状 畅妈手作是一家独具本土特色,坚守纯手工制作 […]