彦文建筑工作室 | Cheers Burger汉堡店
近期在上海引发关注的Cheers Burger汉堡店是彦文建筑工作室(Atelier A)的新作,该店延续工作室一贯简单实用的风格,而意外脱颖而出,受到追捧。 Cheers Burger, one of the most talked-about restaurants in Shanghai, is Atelier A’s new project. With the studio […]

彦文建筑工作室 | Fine CHI居酒屋
Atelier A工作室近年来已为网红餐饮品牌Fine设计多家门店,今年又一家新店Fine CHI居酒屋于在上海乌鲁木齐路开业。 Fine CHI Bistro & Canteen, another Fine’s trendy restaurant designed by Atelier A, opened this year on Wulumuqi Road in downt […]