勉强设计 | 雕刻入形,洞见生命力——BA烘焙空间
澁澤龍彦在随笔《石の夢》中写道: “石は源泉への回顧を表すシンボルではなかろうか” “石,难道不是对于溯源的象征吗?” Tatsuhiko Sozawa wrote in his essay “Dream of Stone”, ‘Isn’t the stone a symbol of reminiscence to the sourc […]

勉强设计 | 彬妈糖水(超级总部店)
这次选址在深圳超级总部睿印中心的二层,是商场入口外立面便可见的一个半开放铺面。 The site is located on the second floor of RAIL IN Center in the Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base, which is a semi-open pavement that can be seen from the f […]

勉强设计 | nest 奈拾
nest.是广东佛山一家以体验咖啡、西点为主的轻生活方式品牌。nest.是筑巢安家的寓意,旨在城市的某处创造舒适的休闲空间。项目位于当地商业街区的一个角落之中,周围分布了大量城市办公楼及住宅小区。希望能为周围繁忙的上班人群与居民提供一处可以自然放松的休憩之地。 “nest.”is a light lifestyle brand focusing on coffee and desserts in […]