TOPOS DESIGN | Mingsi 2022,小径分岔的花园
小径分岔的花园是一个庞大的谜语,或者是寓言故事,谜底是时间。 ——博尔赫斯,小径分岔的花园 The Garden of Forking Paths is an enormous guessing game, or parable, in which the subject is time. ——Luis Borges,The Garden of Forking Paths ▲概念图 Design […]

MOC Design Office | 海怡美甲深圳万象天地店
▲空间概览,Overview 美甲店作为一个塑造美的地方,其空间设计和品牌策略,亦跟随着用户的不断更替、时代变迁下的审美观而不断进化。 The nail salon is a place where beauty is created. Its space design and brand strategy evolve with the ever-changing aesthetics of t […]