彼山设计 | (a) NEW C·PARK店
(a) NEW C·PARK店位于上海市长宁区C·PARK B1层。作为一家全新的仓储式原创潮流品牌服装店,本案目标打造一个适应性线下潮流社群空间。 (a) NEW C·PARK STORE is located on the B1 floor of C·PARK Haisu, Changning District, Shanghai. As a new warehouse-style origi […]

恺慕建筑设计 | 話梅HARMAY环球影城店
当收到委托之初,环顾这家店所处的环境,我们不免向自己发问该如何设计。我们如何在这里做出标志性的印记?是选择跳脱出整个环境或是融入其中?我们如何在已经充满着体验的游戏中创造出独一无二的体验? Asked to design a store in a theme park and looking at its context, we could not avoid asking ourselves h […]

随着市场的变化,烘焙行业需要巨大的变革,原有固化的模式在被打破,如何抓住消费者塑造属于这个时代的品牌形象成了烘焙品牌迫切需要解决的问题。 With the changes of the market, the bakery industry needs a big change, for the original solidified business model is being broken. […]