STUDIO 4/301 | 拾貳時辰咖啡店
澳門是世界上人口最稠密的城市,在這繁忙的都市里能夠找到一個角落逃離繁囂並不容易。 Macau is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. It is not easy for people to find a corner where they can get away from the hustle. 咖啡師找到了 STUD […]

容德医馆位于成都时尚地标春熙路的辐射周边,映照着这个城市丰富而鲜活的生活艺术。从现代人的生活角度出发,通过商业策略与艺术创作的平衡探求,对传统中医药国粹进行了一次别有新意的空间叙事。 The project is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinic situated within Chunxi Road Commercial Circle, wh […]