出门问问是Google离开中国之后第一个也是目前唯一投资国内的人工智能公司。 公司创办人CEO李志飞是美国翰霍普金斯大学计算机博士,毕业后加入谷歌,是前Google总部Google Translate谷歌翻译的主要作者,自然语义分析及人工智能专家。 为着“把人工智能落地于人们生活”的梦想,李志飞于2012年走出谷歌,回国创办了人工智能公司出门问问。公司主力產品Ticwatch是国內智能手表第一品牌。不仅技术与Google有很深的渊源,甚至公司LOGO都是正宗的Google色系。 ‘出门问问’这公司的名字本身就很形象化, logo标志除了延续Google的色系,更是非常具体的结合了‘门’及‘问’的中文字形。 因此主创设计师David Ho 何大为借力使力,将这两个中文字造型作为设计概念。 进入主入口前台左侧的两个接待室,由logo橘色透明玻璃搭建成两个小房子造型,就像连续的‘问问’两字,使logo与空间做了完美的结合,很具体的体现出公司形象。
Google’s services are not available in China, but that isn’t stopping it from making a significant investment in a company based on Chinese soil. The U.S. search giant is backing Mobvoi, a four-year-old Beijing-based company specializing in mobile voice technology. Founded by Google alumnus Li Zhifei in October 2012, Mobvoi,in Chinese ‘chumenwenwen’,aspires to define the human-machine interaction through artificial intelligence technologies provides mobile voice search in China. Mobvoi’s product ‘Ticwatch’ is ranking number one in China’s smart watch market.Not only does the technology have deep roots connected to Google, even its logo is similar to Google’s authentic color. The company’s Chinese name, ‘Chumenwenwen’ visually combines the two Chinese characters, ‘door’ and ‘ask’. Designer David Ho uses these two Chinese characters as the design idea to apply to the main entrance. The outline of two orange glass meeting rooms attached on the left side of the reception area looks like the two Chinese characters, so that the logo and space makes a perfect combination reflecting the company image.
在办公室设计上也延续了Google的一贯调性,希望办公室可以最大程度的提供员工放松的工作环境。CEO李先生要求一定要有一个够大够舒服的休闲茶水区, 所以规划了300平方米的茶水休息区位于南侧阳光视野最好的地方,给员工舒适放松的工作环境。 一般办公室的员工茶水休息区大约占全部办公室面积的5%,而出门问问的休息区达到16% 非常宽敞。
CEO Mr. Li wishes to provide their staff a great relaxation environment in the office, so David planned a 300 square meter comfortable lounge area located in the south side with the best view. This occupies 16% of the total office space compared to using only about 5% in a general office lounge/pantry area.
但同时CEO也要求员工数量一个也不能少!这就给设计师带来挑战。设计师的对策是舍弃L型办公桌采用用直条办公桌集中摆放,每人并配置一个桌下活动式储物柜提收纳人物品以免堆放桌面占去工作面。 最终办公桌达到数量要求153人,也创造出轻松明亮大气的休息区。
At the same time Mr. Li also requires a minimum number of 150 workstations in the plan. The designer’s response to the challenge is to replace the L-shape workstation with a straight one with an under-desk cabinet to save space. Eventually, the number of desks meets the requirements of 153 in total and creates a relaxing, bright and pleasant office.
作为市场上唯一一家拥有自主语音识别、语义分析、垂直搜索技术的创业公司,出门问问一直在探索人工智能新一代人机交互产品,率先把人工智能的“神经网络”、“深度学习”、“语音识别”等技术率先落地到公司智能手表產品Ticwatch上,为用户带来可穿戴设备上的全新交互体验。因为出门问问的公司文化可以说是围绕在‘说话’这件事上,所以与沟通交流说话有关的会议室就显得特别重要。这里总共设置了12间大中小不同尺寸的会议室加上3个开放讨论区,使得各部门有足够的交流空间。会议室用了不同造型吊灯,透明玻璃墙面上贴了‘TIME IN CONTROL’的标语,使公司文化及其核心产品- 手表与办公室空间的意象紧密结合在一起。
Mobvoi is the only startup firm in China equipped with its own Chinese voice recognition, semantic analytics, and search technologies. It has developed a Chinese voice search mobile app with two million accumulated users, a Chinese smart watch operating system and a smart watch called Ticwatch. In this way, ‘talk’ becomes a major point of the company. Here, a total of 12 small to large sized meeting rooms are placed with three extra open talking spaces. On the glass partition of the meeting room, ‘TIME IN CONTROL’ is displayed, which is the slogan that emphasizes the company’s culture and its core products in one sentence.
Name of the project: Mobvoi Inc. HQ office
Location of the project: Beijing, China
项目面积:約2000 平米
Project area: 2000sqm
主案设计:David Ho 何大为
Name of designer:David Ho
Link of designer office website: www.davidho.cn
设计公司:David Ho Design Studio大为建筑设计(北京)有限公司
Name of designer office: David Ho Design Studio
Name of the photographer: Liang Zhe
David Ho 何大为
毕业于英国爱丁堡大学University of Edinburgh建筑设计硕士,大为建筑设计北京有限公司负责人。中国建筑装饰协会特聘设计专业导师。曾被北京电视台BTV ‘创意科学’ 节目专题采访,同时也是TEDx演讲嘉宾。拥有十八年丰富的环保建筑及室内规划设计经验,作品类型广泛,在欧洲美国和亚洲赢得三个不同领域包括建筑,室内,及产品设计的国际奖项 。
获奖:美国USA INTERIOR DESIGN 年度世界百大创意,美国LEED Gold 绿色建筑金奖,Bloomberg 亚洲最佳办公室,日本Good Design,台湾建筑师杂志奖,金外滩奖,金堂奖,红星奖,华鼎奖等等。
作品:BMW摩托车亚洲旗舰展厅,Volvo 汽车中国研发中心,Sony手机北京总部,腾讯深圳总部,奇虎360北京总部,MI小米手机总部,并参与了百度北京园区及阿里巴巴蚂蚁金服杭州总部设计等等。
《Hi设计》已获授权,版权归原作者所有。原文标题《谷歌重返中国 Mobvoi出门问问 人工语音智能公司总部办公室》 Google Is Back to ChinaMobvoi Inc., an artificial intelligence company HQ office,《Hi设计》发布时做修改。