Centuries-Old Roast Duck Aroma, Now Even More “Jing” Brilliance — Bianyifang’s Dining Space Design, the Trendsetting Evolution of a Time-Honored Brand. Food connoisseurs in Beijing know that Bianyifang’s roast duck carries a 600-year legacy, a intangible cultural heritage on the tip of the tongue. But today, we’re talking about the “vessel” that carries this delicious tradition — Bianyifang’s brand-new dining space.
当老字号走入新时代,我们摒弃了传统中式餐厅的厚重与繁复,以 “新中式·轻时尚” 为设计理念,将京味儿文化与现代审美巧妙融合,打造出一个既传承经典,又充满活力的餐饮空间。
As a time-honored brand steps into a new era, we’ve moved away from the heaviness and complexity of traditional Chinese restaurants. Guided by the design philosophy of “New Chinese Style, Light Fashion,” we’ve skillfully blended Beijing-style culture with modern aesthetics to create a dining space that both inherits classic traditions and exudes vitality.
Space Highlights:
•“京”致入微,细节见真章: 提取故宫红柱、胡同砖瓦灰色系元素,融入空间设计,打造 沉浸式京味儿体验。
• “Jing” in Every Detail, Excellence in the Finer Points: Drawing inspiration from the red pillars of the Forbidden City and the gray tones of Beijing’s hutong brickwork, these elements are integrated into the space design, creating an immersive Beijing-style experience.
•光影交错,演绎时空对话,运用现代灯光技术,营造出 古今交融的视觉效果,仿佛穿越时空,感受百年老店的魅力。
• Play of Light and Shadow, A Dialogue Across Time: Utilizing modern lighting techniques, we’ve crafted a visual effect that merges the past and present, as if transporting diners through time to experience the charm of this century-old establishment.
•舒适体验,尽享京味盛宴: 注重空间舒适的就餐尺度,合理的规划设计,即保证客人的舒适感,也最大化的多摆放餐位来提升平效。• Comfortable Experience, Savoring a Beijing-Style Feast: The space emphasizes comfortable dining dimensions and thoughtful planning, ensuring guest comfort while maximizing seating capacity to enhance efficiency.
便宜坊全新餐饮空间,不仅是一次视觉盛宴,更是一次文化之旅。在这里,您可以品尝到 正宗的传统烤鸭,也可以感受到 老字号在新时代的勃勃生机。
Bianyifang’s new dining space is not just a visual feast but also a cultural journey. Here, you can savor authentic traditional roast duck while feeling the vibrant energy of a time-honored brand in the new era.
A century-old legacy, now even more “Jing” brilliance.
Project Info
项目地址:中国 北京