▲鸟瞰,aerial view © 猫瞳工作室

The abandoned ferry terminal along the Xijiang River in Jiujiang Town, Foshan, once served as a vital dock connecting the riverine islands. With the commissioning of a new terminal, this structure—imbued with memories of waterway transportation—gradually fell into disuse, leaving only a concrete skeleton and steps leading to a decaying pier. Situated at the intersection of a wetland park and a residential area, the site combines ecological sensitivity with community service potential. The design team faced the challenge of transforming this ruin into a multifunctional public space—integrating a bookstore, exhibition hall, café, cultural events, and art performances—within a footprint of less than 150 square meters, while responding to the climatic characteristics of the Pearl River Delta and the region’s industrial cultural context.

▲外观概览,exterior overview © 猫瞳工作室

▲立面的开与闭,opened and closed facade © 猫瞳工作室

▲檐下灰空间,covered space © 猫瞳工作室

The *shuixie* (waterside pavilion), a traditional Chinese garden structure built over water, features an open design with unobstructed views on all sides, offering both social inclusivity and climate adaptability. Drawing inspiration from this prototype, the design eschews enclosed walls. Except for equipment rooms and restrooms, all four facades employ fully transparent floor-to-ceiling glass doors and windows. Passersby can glimpse internal exhibitions through the glass, blurring the boundaries between observers and participants.

▲立面开闭示意,diagram of the adjustable sunshade system ©玳山建筑设计

▲楼梯间与卫生间,stairwell and toilet © 猫瞳工作室

▲面江立面,riverside facade © 猫瞳工作室

▲立面装置细部,sunshade system details © 猫瞳工作室

▲首层室内,ground floor interior © 猫瞳工作室

▲复一层室内,basement floor interior © 猫瞳工作室

A key climate-responsive element is the externally mounted adjustable sunshade system driven by electro-hydraulic actuators. When open, the 90-degree upturned eaves block intense summer sunlight and reduce heat gain, while the semi-outdoor transitional space beneath accommodates diverse community activities. When closed, the system isolates the interior from external conditions, transforming the space into an inward-focused cultural vessel suited for lectures or meetings. This adaptability allows the architecture to transcend physical constraints, becoming a dynamic platform for community engagement.

▲远眺江面落日的观景台,a viewing platform for sunset vistas © 猫瞳工作室

▲阶梯式长椅,tiered seating © 猫瞳工作室

▲观景天台,rooftop terrace © 猫瞳工作室

▲夜景,night view © 猫瞳工作室

The original pier steps were reconfigured into tiered seating, serving both as a viewing platform for sunset vistas and an impromptu street theater for local performances. A barrier-free, 24/7 access strategy invites citizens to freely traverse the space toward the riverbank, preserving the ferry’s memory through a low-intervention approach. The retained structural framework dialogues with the new white aluminum alloy corrugated roof—a reinterpretation of the industrial color-steel panels ubiquitous in the Greater Bay Area. Stripped of their utilitarian hues and rendered in pure white, these elements simultaneously continue regional contemporary construction traditions and establish the complex’s identity as a cultural landmark.

▲一层平面图,ground floor plan © 玳山建筑设计

▲负一层平面图,basement floor plan © 玳山建筑设计

▲南立面图,sections © 玳山建筑设计

▲北立面图,sections © 玳山建筑设计

▲东立面图,sections © 玳山建筑设计

▲剖面图,sections © 玳山建筑设计



Project Info

项目名称 | 九江渡口文化空间改造
设计方 | 玳山建筑设计
公司网站 | http://turtlehill.cn
联系邮箱 | info@turtlehill.cn
项目完成时间 | 2025.01
主创 | 郭振江
方案设计 | 黎美君、陈培昆、冯思怡、陈菁华、陈加炫
项目地址 | 佛山市南海区九江镇
建筑面积 | 216平方米
摄影版权 | 猫瞳工作室、玳山建筑设计
业主 | 佛山市南海区邦文旅游开发有限公司
项目策划 | 佛山千文启文化创意有限公司
灯光设计 | 广州重构视觉设计有限公司
材料/品牌 | 铝合金波浪板-乾阳铝业、电动液压杆-羽凰液压、水磨石地砖-东鹏瓷砖