背景与策略 Background and Strategy


Jinwei Brewery is a mark of urban construction in Shenzhen, and the location of the store is the courtyard of the original brewery’s water treatment facilities. The 2022 Shenzhen Hong Kong Architecture Biennale underwent a renovation of the venue, with a huge red staircase serving as part of the exhibition flow, penetrating the surrounding buildings.

▲啤酒厂外立面© YUAN STUDIO


Due to being exposed to humid outdoor environments all year round, the waterproof layer on the walls has peeled off into mottled patterns. When a ray of sunlight in the courtyard falls on the old walls, the combination of nature and artificial labor has accumulated over time, brewing an astonishing industrial beauty.

▲咖啡厅招牌指引© YUAN STUDIO



Multiple renovations and exhibitions have resulted in an excess of content in the original site. We hope that the new design will become a part of the site, carefully using commercial brand elements to process it, and integrating industrial history and modern life into the space to create our own unique charm.



屋顶采光 roof lighting



The walls around the site are half a meter thick without windows, and the red stairs and industrial facilities at the top cover the entire courtyard, blocking most of the sunlight. Considering the rainy climate in Shenzhen and the need to maximize the preservation of precious natural light in the gaps of the courtyard, we have made a large transparent skylight roof through reasonable mechanical calculations, using a steel frame structure and transparent endurance panels.

▲咖啡厅入口招牌© YUAN STUDIO


成为场地的一部分 Continuity of existing forms



The unmodified concrete and naturally falling walls are treasures left by the rough and unrestrained factory area, and the core concept of their processing is to continue and protect them. On the premise of preserving the original walls, the use of metal and cement style materials and retro lighting fixtures has improved the integration of modern furniture and the site. Local military green is naturally embellished, strengthening the recognition of brand elements. The industrial pipelines remaining in the site only need to be slightly utilized to become excellent lighting devices.

▲室内金属风管吊顶© YUAN STUDIO

▲从洞口看向室内© YUAN STUDIO


The new design of the air duct ceiling combines the original red staircase of the site, with a silver white coating that reflects a modern metallic luster in mid air. The ground bar continues the weightiness of the site’s concrete material, and the curved direction echoes the ceiling up and down. Standing inside, one can experience the sparks generated by the collision of the two materials. Many years ago, the renovation left an irregular opening on the side of the site, with exposed steel bars and uneven cross-sections. As a side door that combines industrial ruins and commercial fun, it is perfect.


▲由厂房遗留管道改造的产品展示区© YUAN STUDIO



Capturing the Spirit of the Industrial Age



In Hegel’s view, the spirit of the times is a positive force that can not only shape the temperament and characteristics of a specific society or civilization, but also define their position in the cultural process of human society. Now, the architectural function of the site has shifted from industrial facilities to commercial and social spaces. KUDDO coffee shops not only amplify the charm of modern aesthetics in the atmosphere of the industrial era, but also make industrial aesthetics a showcase of modern urban spirit.

▲由室内看向洞口© YUAN STUDIO

▲原始墙面肌理© YUAN STUDIO

▲由厂房遗留管道改造的灯具© YUAN STUDIO





项目名称:KUDDO COFFEE(天河城店)





设计团队:杨嘉惠 李梦丽 范宇鹏 陈兆洋




材料:风化镀锌钢 铁锈漆 乱纹不锈钢 菱纹油砂玻璃 微水泥 硅藻泥