M Pavilion 

M Pavilion坐落在上海徐汇区的一座办公楼的首层大堂,是品牌M Stand委托设计的一家咖啡店。为了不影响楼宇的正常运营,我们在设计之初提出了快速建造和轻触场地两个基本策略,一个精巧得体的脚手架亭子设计应运而生。

M Pavilion is located in the lobby of an office building in Xuhui District, Shanghai, a coffee shop commissioned by M Stand. In order not to disturb the daily operations of the building, we proposed two basic strategies at the beginning of the design process: a rapid construction and a light touch to the site. Then a delicate and decent scaffolding pavilion came into being.


轻的盒子 A Light Box


Be light. We hope to bring relaxation and joy to people in a rigorous working atmosphere through a light form. The heavy volume above is in sharp contrast with the slender structure components, and the translucent skin attracts people to walk in. Slightly cantilevered floor makes the light-filled box float on the ground.

▲ 装满光的盒子



快速建造 Rapid Construction


Different from an interior design, we came up with an adaptive system with only one prototype of component and very few variations that restrict the construction process within 10 days. This system covers all aspects including structure, envelope, bar worktops, lighting, foundation floor, making it possible to bring beauty out of a rapid construction.


精美的粗笨 Delicate Roughness


Rough, temporary, shabby, industrialized, and non-architectural, a scaffolding always bring unfriendly feelings, but it fascinates us. We hope that through precise design and millimeter-scale construction, we can give scaffolding a decent completion while stripping away all its temporary and rough social meaning and gradually approaching its essence.



光会带来情感 From Light to Emotion

冬日下午,阳光透过半透明的帘子,被筛得均匀弥漫,包裹着来此小憩的上班族。清晨傍晚,上方灯笼状的灯光装置将光填满体量,M Pavilion成了一个光的亭子,光渗透出来,照着来来往往的人们。

In a winter afternoon, the sunlight is filtered by the translucent curtains and scattered in the air, wrapping the office workers who come for a nap. In an early morning or when the sun sets, the lantern-like lighting device fills the space with warm light. M Pavilion becomes a temple of light, the light permeates out and shines on people passing by.

▲ 一个冬日午后

▲ 可打开的界面

▲ 轴测图


项目名称:M Pavilion——M Stand 徐汇万科店
联系邮箱: daa_info@126.com
项目设计 & 完成年份: 2020.10-2020.12
客户:M Stand

Project name:M Pavillion – M Stand Xuhui Vanke Store
Design:Dazhou And Associates
Contact e-mail: daa_info@126.com
Design year & Completion Year: 2020.10-2020.12
Leader designer & Team:Tang Dazhou/Zhu Tianrui/Gong Ziyue/Wu Mingxiao
Project location:Xuhui District, Shanghai
Gross Built Area (square meters): 50㎡
Photo credits:Tian Fangfang
Clients:M Stand
Contractor:Shanghai Xuanke Construction Company


大舟建筑  Dazhou And Associates
